Kannn.. Kan Eesya da merajok dgn korang kannn.. Hahaha. Eesya, i know what you're feeling bey. But like i always said... Buat bodoh sudah. Memang hati sakit, kau sedih but what are we supposed to do? Remember when we said that we accept each other for their flaws, shits and all? Ahh well, i guess this is the time where their flaws all start showing. So bey, just let it go. To think back, this definitely ain't the first time such a thing has happened, if you can recall. These kind of situations has happened countless of times & somehow or rather we always managed to get over it. So sudah beyyy.. Jangan ikot kn perasaan sgt. Aku tangan kangg.. & yes, i miss you too. =) I'm over at the Love's crib right now. He's is happily snoring behind me while i'm still wide awake, watching cartoons non-stop. Mane tak penatnyeee.. Skejap-skejap dapat.. Hahaha. Oh well, i'll be going home in an hour and a half time aniwaes. So better let him have his nap before he wakes up crying because i wanna go home. Hahaha. Why so early? Pasallll.. jap lagi nak jalan rayaaaa. LOL. That shall be all. I'll be back with loads of pitures for you people to gawk at k. *grins*
I know. i knowww.. BbyLove is gonna get mad at me for still not sleeping, but what can i do? I was reading a book lahhh. & knowing me, once i've started reading.. i will definitely not stop until i've finished the book whutt. So baby.. sorry hor.. Tapi buku tu interesting sgt uh.What book is it? I'll do a short review on it on another post k. Main reason why i'm actually blogging early this morning is because of the things that took a sudden change in our (me & baby) lives, which i somehow posted about in the earlier post. Becauseeeeee.. as of today.. it is his last day of work in IKEA. Shocking kan? Macam sudden gitu kann? Hah. All because he got a job as a sound technician or something like that lahh.. I mean those guys that work at Esplanade n do the setups if there's performances or what.. or even for this coming F1. He'll be the ones doing the setups and all. So yeahh.. and guess what? He starts tomorrow. -___-" It was like, one moment everything was ok.. i was waiting for him to finish work and all & SUDDENLY he came bearing that news to me. Mcm like WTF?! Otak aku teros mcm auto shutdown gitu.. Haha. Alih2 blank.. alih2 takde mood and i was crying. Hahaha. I mean.. come onnnn lahhhh. Kalau kene kau pun confirm kau terperanjat what & confirmconfirm thoughts merepek mesti datang peeeee. Tolong eh, bedek uh kalau kau ckp yang abg2 "sound system" nie semua tak hot. I mean, there was once a time (once jekk. tkleh lebih2. ade nanti kene maki dgn laki aku lagi haaa.) when we would just go drooling at the sights of these guys who appeared "oh so cool & macho" in our eyes. And kau tengok lah bf akuuuuuuuuu! 18, lots of piercings & HAWT. -____-" Kalau kau jadi akuuuu, tak ke risau & bende- bende merepek semua muncul kat otak kau? ahhhhh.. tau punnnn. Truth is, i really don't mind if he wants to work anywhere because i do trust that he will know what he's doing. But what bothers me a little, is that where the unfairness of this all comes in. He can easily disapproves of most work that i wanna try, till it comes to the extent that i am very damn lazy to work now. Reason being? Scared of other guys trying to hit on me blablabla.. so yes. this is where the unfairness comes in. I do not oppose to him of any job that he wants to take but yet he'll opposed to some of the jobs that i want to take. Unfair kannnn? Hahaha. But hey, i'm not complaining.. just saying things out to make things clearer to my baby. I won't stand in your way of anything you want to do. I'll be supporting you through it all. And i trust you to know that you will put me in your heart, ALWAYS.I LOVE YOU PAPA. =)

Nak nangis sampai mata berdarah can? I know it's only a small matter, but my mind is making me go crazy. How? I don't know what else to do or say. I'm sorry baby. Because i know it's not your fault. =_(
First day of Raya was great.. Luckily for us, Grandma was able to be discharged on the very day itself. So yayy! Tak yah celebrate kat hospital!! LOL. We were, as usual, the very first family to arrive. And as usual againnnnn, we were there until each & every family arrived. It was a fun time where we cousins got to meet make fun of our elders, teased each other and all. And seeing Grandma at home was definitely a plus too. =) Ah nieee! Pendek kan rambot aku?! hahaha. Oh yes, since some of you haven't know. I'VE CUT MY HAIR! SHORT! Hahaha. I didn't know the exact reason as to why i wanted to cut it, but what i knew was that i was sick & tired of long hair. So yeah, i got it chopped! & no lahh. not too short lah. It was still to my liking though. & thankfully! Everybody & anybody who saw it approved of it. Minus side was, i looked much more plump than usual. Hahaha. To BbyLove, I'm sorry if i disappointed you today. I really really didn't mean to do that. Haiz. I love you.
As to the paragraph above, you ask why? Becaussseee, i was supposed to go out with BbyLove & his family for jln raya today but i woke up late & did not meet him. I really was scared he'll get angry or something, but nasibbbb. he was only disappointed though. =( I was supposed to update about other things but mcm biase jgkkk, M.A.L.A.S. *grins* And other raya pics are all up in FB kay...?
 I'm sooooo god damned tired. & so missing the boy very very much. As you can jolly well see.. the previous post was done-d by the love (because if any posts is ALLLLLL in GREENE, then that is Didys' posts k.) & sumpah it's super duper romantic,*grinning widely*, and it did got me teary eyed.. Kiwak. Touching siolll. Hahaha. Don't know what came over the boy, but small, simple things like these are what makes our relationship strong. & yes baby.. i love you too. So yeah, i'll be back tomorrow. Not sure of the timing though,, because the Big Daddy controls everything whenever we're in JB. So yeah.. I guess that's all for now then, cause now it's time to get back to my daily dosage of webcamming with the love. Oh yes! DA BELI BAJU KURUNGGG! Yay! Hahaha. "Soon k baby. Soon you will be in my arms & I'll put you to sleep every night. I love you. "
i love it when you leave cos' it shows how much i need you i love it when you smile on webcam cos' it makes my miss to you stronger i love it when you say that i'm an ass cos' it makes me feel lucky to still have you to love me i love it when you gets moody cos' it makes me learn how to console you i love it when you say goodbye cos' it makes me excited and can't wait to meet you again i love it when we quarrel cos' it shows the effort we put in to make things[thongs] right i love it when we think of our future cos' we know we are going to be forever i love to love you cos' i might not be the most good-looking guy you ever seen but my perfection is equals to what you need i love to love you cos' u might not be the most gorgeous woman i ever seen but your perfection is equals to what i need i love every single thing of you so if you ever to leave do you think i still love you?
I'll be off to Jb later in the evening. And will only be back on Sunday. Sumpah aku don't like. Not that Jb sucks or what, but going back to that damn condo, i've just got nothing else to do except watch movies, surf the net, bla bla bla.. N worse part? I'm gonna miss that small boy like hell. Ah well, at least he's working so that will take his mind off things for the moment. Aey mok, update for me can? My brain is growing smaller & smaller uh. Haha.
I love you mok. =)
Ye...ye... aku tauuuu.. tangan aku gatallll.. -___-" Ntahlahh.. i just don't find the old blogskin "flattering" enough because of the navigation's. I just don't really like skins with navigation's much. So yeah, for now.. this shall be my blogskin. Until maybe when i've gotten quite bored & will start changing it again. *grins*
Alritey then.. i know i haven't been really updating quite properly. It's because i just have sooooo much pictures to upload & i wasn't in much of a mood for the past few days. And i don't think what i've got to update is really of any interests to any of you. So yeahh. =) Ok.. so far for the past few days, i've been to & fro to Geylang and Ikea to search for things for Hari Raya. And luckily, MOST of it has been purchased except for our baju raya & some other small things. BbyLove has started working again, long after his 2 weeks MC. And i must admit, it did not really go quite well at the start. We were always bickering & feeling the jealously more often than before. Maybe because both of us were quite used to him not working for 2 whole weeks. But luckily, all is well now. I mean, it will always be, wouldn't it? *smiles cheekily*I've got an Iftar session this Friday with the PGs but unfortunately i can't be present as i have to go back JB to look for last minute stuffs before raya. & i sense a small lil bit of anger & resentment for some of them. I mean, i know this was planned way before & some of you had to really really apply for off to just be there. But sometimes things don't really go the way you want it, does it? And to sense that kind of resentment from some of you, just sometimes pisses me off. I mean, how many times have i not make it to any of our outings? And how many times have some of the others had no money to go down? At times like this, sometimes all we need is just your understanding & not your anger or sulkiness towards us. Ahh well, i better stop here before it gets out of control, AGAIN. I'm not up for another tiff between us & if you guys think so too, let's just let it be alrite? And now, i'm just gonna stop here & post lots & lots & lots of pictures can? I mean, as some of you have known, daddy just purchased a Canon DSLR 500d and i have just gone crazy experimenting with the camera. *grins widely* So here are the few pictures that i shot on some of the outings i had with BbyLove , some of the PGs & Mummy and BbyGirl. So yeah. OH! OH! I've gotten my SAMSUNG OMNIA too! *smirks*oh well, just enjoy the pictures aite. Bye! So there you go! =)
"realized,this life has been completed by u... that's why i couldn't stand straight on my feet right now,cos u have took this heart along with u... pls don't leave till i took my last breath,in your arms. . . <3 to u,never stops growing... " Remember this? Remember these words you proudly said to me? Baby, it's tearing me apart being this way. It's tearing me apart, feeling this low & needed. Come back to me love. Tell me you still love me. Cause i can't bear another night going on like this. =_(
Despite having a totally kick-ass day yesterday, somehow it still did not do much for my foul mood. Oh yes, i got to meet all BUT one of my PGs.. i was laughing my guts out with PG Baby Dee & PG Baby Shidah throughout the night... but things just didn't seem any better when i reached home. I've got quite a lot to update & pictures to post. But my foul mood right now just is not helping. Besides that, i'm also thinking that the boy is fucking contacting another girl behind me. Another drama mama episodes? Apape uh. Cannot be bothered anymore. Gd bye then.
I've changed my blogskin. & i'm tiredddd. *sighs* Meeting PG Baby Dee & PG Baby Kykie tomorrow, to accompany them for their interviews. And might possibly be breaking fast with them too. I really have got nothing much to say except that i'm missing my boy wayyyy too much. =( Your not here right now, You just cant imagine how i feel,
I know this love is real.
 Happy 8th month Baby Love. =) & happy 10th to PG Baby Kykie too. I'm currently very bored and very very weak. My body temperature is rising by the hour & i really do not want to be sick at a time like this. Urghh. Haven't been doing much except for always going out trying to find stuffs for home. Oh yah, i MIGHT be taking up Muay Thai. =) That's it for the moment, i guess. Cause i gotta go crash before i faint. Sorry for the impromptu & short update. A proper update next time yeahh? =)