Hahaha. The Love's post had me cracking up when i really needed it. & no Baby, u don't suck at blogging.. you're just new to it. I'm sure you'll get better as time goes by k.. *winx*Nothing much "exciting" happened to me today except for the fact that my family has gotten much much more irritating & also that daddy just bought thissssss...!  Woohhoooo! It's the new Canon EOS 500D. And i am soooo gonna hog it all to myself. Hahaha. Don't know why daddy bought it in the first place, only that he claimed that he bought it because of the fact that he wanted to prove to us that he was still keeping up with the latest "trends". Pfft. ape2 saje lah bpk aku nie.. hahaha.Anyways, things at home are pretty much like a jungle. What with all those unwanted things in the balcony,waiting for the day when they get picked up by daddy's workers. Yesyes, my daddy is a big-hearted man. He likes to give away things instead of just throwing them away. Buttttttt! he is ONLY big-hearted to outsiders,not his family. Haha. Ah well, i'm talking crap already. I've gotta go crash now, since the "chicken pox boy" is already is La-La Land. I've got quite a big day later on, so byebye people! =D OH! OH! I forgot! Tomorrow will be a very special day for me. Becauseeeeeeee... It's our 8 monthsary! Yay! K da.. Goodbye!
Baby... I really wana thank you for coming here and take care of me. i know,it's ur duty to,but,i still need to show my appreciation to u,and to tell these people,how lucky i am to have u. i felt better now,no more weak body,dizzy head,itchy back. haha'... i like it when u put on the cooling lotion on me and rub my back with tissue when it itch and put me to sleep. . .AIYA!!! but now u go back liao,who going to do all that? huh'??? hmpf'! putting on the lotion by myself is a sick-ass-thing to do(tengok cermin,letaknye kat lain) what's worse,there's nothing left for me to do,other that on com. HAIX'.... but,nvm la,i must learn to stand by myself baby,right? (I BELIEVE I STILL SUCK AT BLOGGING)
I don't wanna go another day So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind Seems like everybody's breaking up Throwing their love away I know I got a good thing right here That's why I say (Hey)
Nobody's going to love me better Imma stick with you Forever Nobody's going to take me higher Imma stick with you You know how to appreciate me Imma stick with you My baby Nobody ever made me feel this way Imma stick with you I don't wanna go another day So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind See the way we ride In our private lives Ain't nobody getting in between I want you to know that you're the only one for me And I say Nobody's going to love me better Imma stick with you Forever Nobody's going to take me higher Imma stick with you You know how to appreciate me Imma stick with you Nobody ever made me feel this way Imma stick with you
And now Ain't nothing else I can need And now I'm singing 'cause you're so, so into me I got you We'll be making love endlessly I'm with you Baby, you're with me
So don't you worry about People hanging around They ain't bringing us down I know you and you know me And that's all that counts So don't you worry about People hanging around They ain't bringing us down I know you and you know me And that's why I say Nobody's going to love me better Imma stick with you Forever Nobody's going to take me higher Imma stick with you You know how to appreciate me Imma stick with you My baby Nobody ever made me feel this way Imma stick with you Nobody's going to love me better Imma stick with you FOREVER

Hadidi Fadzly, I ♥ You.
AHHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! My head feels like a god damned fucking woodpecker is pecking on it ,NON-STOP! I'm feeling very very restless, because of the lack of nicotine in me. And the urge to go run down & buy another box is killing me by the sec! Oh! Oh! not forgetting that my boyfriend has suddenly went silent on me without telling me if we're ok or not.
It's either he has zonked out from the medicines & the rubbing of calamine lotion all over his chicken pox, or he's still mad at me for going "crazy" on him. Orrrr.. maybe he is online & chatting with other people?! ahhhh, sudah Tazz.. kpale da nak meletop beh lagi nk pikir bukan-bukan. tolong pegi hentak kepala sendiri kat tembok cann? -___-"LACK OF NICOTINE + MISSING THE BOY + STUPID MIGRAINE = Tazzy going around fcuking people up like a mad woman. I really really have to get my mind off cigarettes before i really really go down right now & buy myself another stupid box. I guess i'm not that strong after all huh? =( Urgghh! Tolong please.. someone! Better yet.. BBY! HELP! =_(
Epic moment of my life today? I got the Love sulking like a little-girl-who-didn't-get-her-ice-cream. oh yes, add in mad too. and all thattttt, when i just professed my undying love for him yesterday. How bad of a girlfriend can i be? *sighs*I did not mean to get the Love sulking at me, but after all that whining and " testing of patience" from almost everyone, i guessed i sort of snapped. I swear, i didn't know what came over me. but it just felt like i was a ticking time bomb, & after love's whining.. i guess i just exploded.tsktsk. bad bad Tazzy. oh, why the Love was whining? Because he got CHICKEN POX. It was funny when he told me about it, but then he had start complaining about being bored & all his plans going down the drain. I was trying hard to not scold him,but he sometimes he just gets on my nerves. I mean, why couldn't he just try & looked at the bright side of things? He could have just said, "YAY! 2 WHOLE WEEKS OF NOT WORKING!" but noooooo.. he decided to whine & whine & whine. All because to him, it meant of 2 whole weeks of not meeting me. *rolls eyes*.Syg, syg.. haiz.. even if you had AIDS or some very contagious disease, that still wouldn't stop me from meeting you. I couldn't care less what you have. I just want to be there for you. & please, even if it really happened that we couldn't meet for 2 whole weeks, don't be so whiny can? Like as if we've never gone through that before. You yourself said that, we should consider ourselves as one of the lucky couples. Because of the fact that we get to spend time with each other for days to stretch, without any concern or boundaries. I mean, other couples have it hard ok.. Meeting maybe once a week or maybe meeting & then going home separately. Come on lah, everytime we go out or meet.. it will be either going back to your place or mine. That ain't so bad kan syg? this time, it just means that we're gonna spent a lot more time indoors rather than outdoors & pls eh, don't tell me you can't endure that. baru2 kita together pun, bnyk spend time indoors peee.. =pSo pls love, don't think i don't care about you when you're sick. Cause i do. I really do. I'm worried that you don't take care of yourself well. Aey, aku sayang kau siol. tkkn aku nk buat bodoh kalau kau sakit kan? =) Cheer up love, cause i'm always here & will always be till my very last breath. Ohh. & i'm sorry too if i hurt you with that stupid msg. Sorry. *grins* GET WELL SOON LOVE! =)
 Love may hurt real bad. or it may just be the most pleasant thing in your life. It creates a bond or may even separate two souls. It is something you either long for, so badly, or something you wished would go away. & believe it or not, love does kill. *shrugs*. I've seen a couple of friends who are either thriving in love or losing in love. And i am very much glad that my love life is thriving. Oh, we do have our ups & downs, but there is nothing in this world that i could ever ever ask for anymore, other than him. Having a couple, both of whom are my very very special friends, fighting endlessly makes me realise how blessed i am to have found him. How truly perfect he is, for me. No one is perfect i've been told, but to me.. he is perfect. In every single way he could possibly be. And it made me tear, to be feeling this love, to be having him, to be calling him mine. And also to see these two special friends of mine fighting. It makes me real glad, that BbyLove & i can communicate with each other & voice out what each other wants or feels. It makes me real glad that, both of us knows when it's time to quit & just forget about any negative feelings. It makes me real glad that, we both are there for each other when we're needed. Overall, i'm just really really glad we're together. Who could have possibly thought that an 18 yr old dude & a 22 yr old girl could possibly feel this special connection? Could possibly want each other so badly.. Could share this love that we'll forever hold up high no matter.... how it ends. & to the two friends, open up your hearts & let it guide you. Ego is clouding your view to loving one other perfectly. You both can do so much better. You both are a match made in heaven. But if it still doesn't work, then just be happy for what you both once had.
*LOVE* We think about it,sing about it, dream about it, lose sleep worrying about it. When we don't have it, we search for it; When we discover it,we don't know what to do with it. When we have it, we fear losing it. It is the constant source of pleasure and pain, but we can't predict which it will be from one moment to the next. It is a short word,easy to spell,difficult to define,

Baby,i love you.
I so badly want to sleep but i can'tttttt.. =( Because i know for sure if i were to go sleep now, i probably wouldn't be awake later for sahur. -__- There's only me & little bro at home, cause mummy & BabyGirl was dragged to JB by daddy. blearghhhh.. I'll be heading off to Granny's house later on in the afternoon & that will definitely give me an excuse to meet BbyLove later on tonight!! *grins widely* Rindu terbanyak sangat lah dgn tu budak kecik. Kalau boleh nak aje aku simpan bawah ketiak aku, tknk kasi lepas. LOL. So here i am on the net, surfing Youtube for old old music videos. From Chris Brown to Nelly to Beenie Man to Sasha... Ahhhh.. Macam2 lahh. Macam rindu pulak gitu zaman2 joget dulu. Hahha. Da lah, da lah.. i'm better off looking at those videos than rambling on & on here about nothing. So yeah, SELAMAT BERPUASA! =)
 Wondering why i'm posting stats about smoking here? Because i'm officially making a declaration to everyone & anyone who reads this that i am QUITTING. Yes.. I've decided to throw in the white flag. I actually made this decision a long time ago, but only 1 month ago did i really decided that i'm going to do it in conjunction with the fasting month. and i'm gonna do it COLD TURKEY style babehh! Lol. It's gonna be hard & tough but i am gonna do it. BbyLove is supporting me & even mummy is gonna play a part by not buying me ciggies anymore. Haha. What really makes me want to do this is because i do not want to harm BabyGirl and people around me any longer. I mean, by just smoking around them, i'm already doing them harm. They'll inhale all the smoke & without them knowing it harms them too. And no way am i going to put my precious daughter in any more harm.Oh hell it's gonna be tough for me because majority of the people around me smoke..but hey! Determination really helps. And BbyLove is being exceptionally sweet too by wanting to cut down & try to not smoke in front of me. Bby, you don't have to do that just so i won't fail. I'm strong & you know it. *winx* & furthermore, by you smoking in front of me at least it'll give me satisfaction when i don't succumb to it. and hey, i'll be saving on a lot of moolahs won't i? I know there will be some people who says i can't do it & that i'm gonna easily succumb to temptations but for those who don't know, i did actually quit smoking before. for TWO WHOLE YEARS! & yes, i know i know.. i was stupid for smoking again. -__- But aey, tu duluuu peee. Lol. There's no backing out for me anymore since i've already made a declaration & since mummy, BbyLove & those who know are putting high hopes on me. So people, let's just wait & see. I'll let you know of my progress little by little & we'll see if i'll make it through. So for now? This will be my last box of cigarettes & after that, byebye!
I set my goal & now i'm gonna reach for it. Believe in me that i can do it!
 i wanted to do this.. i wanted to do that.. but all not done. Hahaha. I'm being very lazy today, blame it all on Lady Red lahh. grr. I'm not exactly sure what i'm going to write about today.. so if it's nonsense & u dnt like it, then go to hell with you ok? Haha. BbyLove is busy playing CS, while i'm here, just lazing around surfing the net for anything. I've been from blogshop to blogshop, to youtube, to facebook, to everywhere i can think off. And apperently, still nothing has quite gotten my attention. Urgh. Lady Red sure makes you lazy, cranky & dehydrated. Ahh well. go play some more games or maybe watch youtube again lah. Oh, before i forget.. remember the last 2 videos i posted in here? Ahhh.. the person who recommended me that video, is sulking because i never give him any credits. so here's to ZAMIR for those videos. Haha. Keep those videos coming!! OH YES! i haven't shown you guys any pics of my latest hairstyle right??! Ahaaa. Nanti lah. Hahha. The picture above is of my new hair but it doesn't show much does it? Nanti lah k. When i'm in the mood to go take somemore pictures, then i'll post it in here aite. =) Papa, aku rindu kau lah. 1,000,000 times i've said it. But i'll say it again. I LOVE YOU, HADIDI FADZLY!
I intended to blog quite a couple of times this week but i just didn't have the time to do so. Went to IKEA to buy some stuffs for Hari Raya. Had a big fight with the love. & did some major house revamping. && here i am, sick because the RED LADY has decided to drop by. -__- BbyLove & me are back on track. He spent 2 days at my house helping out with the revamping of my house yesterday. But he had to go back today because of work. Pfft. how i wish everyday would be like that.. Bby, cpt2 uh kawin! jadi hari2 boleh tgk muke u! *grins* I'll update again later. I've gotta go cook for the family now.
 America's Best Dance Crew (ABDC) Season 4 has official started. & i'm excited. But judging from the 1st episode, there wasn't as much competition compared to Season 3 where BEAT FREAKZ was in it! Let's just see how it goes. Meetup with PG Baby Dee, PG Baby Kykie & PG Baby Eesya was cancelled due to some reasons. abit disappointed but nothing much too say as i know each and eveyr one of us is busy with our on things. =) && I'm down with the flu & it's irritating the hell out of me. So is the boy.. Being very very irritatingly cute. Always saying random stuffs to make me smile. =) Oh well, i've got to go get some rest before i start getting cranky. BYE! PAPA!! Update for me can?! Pleaseeeee.. *grins*
I'm in the mood of smashing my hp onto the wall right now. It's starting to be an ass, always stalling & not showing things. On top of that, me & the boy are having a small tiff. URGH!! I am in no mood to entertain anyone or anything right now. *current status : SULKING!*
Guess what?! I'm sick! Hahahaha. Didn't expect myself to fall sick as well. Oh well. Anyways, i've been tagged by PG BABY DINA to do this. And since i've got nothing else to do besides msn-ing with the love, i guess i'll do it. 1. Are you single or attached ? - PROUDLY attached. =) 2.Do you have a person you like ? - i like BbyLove, my mummy, my BabyGirl, my PG Babies, my brother, my friends.. nak lagi? LOL. 3. What is the name of the person that you're in love with ? - HADIDI FADZLY BIN ZAINUDDIN. 4.If the person you love and your mum dropped into the sea , who will you save? -aisey bedahh. ni yg susah nie.. dua2 da lah tk tau swim.. abeh aku pulak nk step hero. Mintak orang tolong boleh? Hahahhaha. 5.Have you ever hugged someone before? -Nak aje aku sepak kpale kauuuu.. -__-" 6.Do you love your parents? - Ewah kau nieee.. soalan bukan2 eh kau kasi aku. mesti lah syg bodoh. 7.Will you hug the one you love? -Nak hug tknk kasi lepas can? Heee. 8.Are you willing to do anything for yourboyfriend/girlfriend? - YES. Anything & Everything. 9.Are you jealous now? - Weik? nak jealous dgn sape ehk? 10.Who is the last person that messaged you? - BbyLove. 11.Who is your clique? - P G a.k.a POMPAN GILER. 12.Do you want babies in future? -2 more should be enough. 13.Do you prefer Macdonald,KFC,Long John Sliver,Burger King or coffeeshop? -all can? Haha. It depends on my mood. 14.Do you sniff glue ? - Aku masok kn kau dlm tong glue baru kau tau.. -___-" 15.Do you smoke ? -Yes, but i'm quitting soon. 16.If your boyfriend/girlfriend is a 2-timer , what will you do ? - Just walk away & ignore all msgs, calls & pleas. 17. Which CCA are you in now ? - sleeping-at-home-till-i-grow-fat CCA. 18.If you're rich, what'll you do ? - NAK KAHWINNNN!! Hahahaha. 19.If the one you're in love with, held your hand,what'll you do ? -Fuck him can? Hahaha. Please uhhh.. bolehh uhhh.. 20. If the one you love, reject you, what'll you do ? - Just smile & pretend nothing happen, but cry like an idiot when i'm alone. 21.What is your favourite cartoon character/s ? - TAZMANIAN DEVIL! 22.Friendship or love?-Friendship IS Love. 23.Cookie monster or Elmo ? - COOKIE MONSTER. 24.Are you using a laptop or computer ? -Laptop now. 25.Do you like lollipop ? -Nope. 26.Do you have a diary ? - Online. 27.There's an admirer of yours and he won't die heart , what'll you do ? -What the fuck is "die heart"?! 28.If you quarrel with your boyfriend/girlfriend and he/she wants to break , what'll you do? - Let him be. Becaus if it's meant to be yours, it'll come back to you. 29. Are you blur ? - Kadang2 je uh. 30.If you can have your hair dyed, what colour do you want it to be? - YELLOW. hahaha. da mcm minahrep lah pulakk. tknk uh. nakkkk GREENE! =p 31. Who is the last person you chatted in your MSN? - BBYLOVE! 32.How many boys/girls have you beaten before? -Tknk ingat balik can? 33.If your boyfriend/girlfriend don't love you anymore , what'll you do? - Just accept it. & maybe try to kill myself. =D 34. What school are you in? -school of sleeping. 35. Tag10 besties or friends to do this quiz 1. Zaizikki 2.DianaLush 3.MamaNalo 4.ZielaWonder 5.Lyn Tai Since PG2 yg lain da kene tagged, buat pe suruh drg buat lagi kan? Hahha.OK DONE. Now back to MSN-ing with the LOVE. I LOVE YOU OK? =)
I'm here in Kuantan, with Babygirl & mummy awaiting daddy's return from his job. & poor BbyLove is sick & sooo far away from me. I'll only be back on Mon afternoon or evening.. & waiting for that is such a dread. Baby, hold on alrite. I'm only gone for awhile, but my heart is still with you kan? Go eat some medicine & get urself well by my return can? It worries me knowing that you're sick & so far away. And please love, don't cry. It's only gonna make your sickness worse.
On another note, i wanna wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY to 2 very special people in my lives. Happy Birthday DINA ADILA BTE AHMAD a.k.a PG KECIQ!  I'm sorry i can't be there for you on your special day. Bkn aku tknk bey, tapi keadaan tk menginzinkan.. I'll make it up to you somehow, someday ok? Remember, i'm still here for you whenever you need me. Last long with Jo aite & I LOVE YOU LAH BEBEY!! =D && Happy Birthday ABDUL RAHMAN BIN MOHD YATIM (did i get that right? haha) a.k.a MamaNalo!  Cheyy. FINALLY da legal sey org tuuu.. Hahaha. Just because da legal, it still doesn't mean you can do anything you want. Oh well, just be happy lah man. Tkmo stress2.. you're still young. Enjoy life while you still can. & even though you're always irritating, you are still 1 of the special people in my life. So yeah, i guess that's about it. I just finished websms-ing with the boy & he's at work. Even when he is still so so sick. Grrr. Papa, you better go mam something den mam your obat uh. If i found out you never eat ur meds, YOU WATCH OUT. Later no more hughug den you know. =p
I knew i'm gona fall sick,again... Starting to feel dizzy and my throat doesn't feel good... and lovebaby is away liao,aiyo... what's more i gota face 3 long days at work,but,it's good as i'm gona use this as a countdown before lovebaby gets back...alright,i'm too weak to sit here long2....MAMA I SICK!
oLLaAey'! diDy anak Din di sini,over at her home(my 2nd home,or 3rd???)cos i got another at chai chee(kaye pe aku)...Yeah,lovebaby is leaving tomorrow,and I AM SAD! of course la,laki mane sak nak kene tinggal ngan bini!!! but,nvm la,she's going cos she wana do her hair kan,bini aku nak melawa oi...YEAY'! just gota get over it,asalkan die balik sua...haha'... For now,she's lying on the couch behind me,and i'm having a runny nose and itchy eyes,GODDAMNIT! haix... then who gona take care of me when she's gone??? hmm... (jage diri sendiri je la cik abang oi)OKAY,OKAY,OKAY..! enough for now,i've got to REALLY SPENT TIME with the other half of me(her),cos without her,i am INCOMPLETE.
I'll be off to my JB condo later in the afternoon, with hopes of " revamping" my hair over there. But i'll be in Kuantan first, to accompany the Daddy on his one of many job trips. Kirekan bapak keje, family ikot tapi enjoy uh. Hahaha. Mini-holiday lah gitukann. But i'm gonna be leaving BbyLove behind because the boy sooooo wants to get the double pay for working on public holidays. -_-" So yes, he'll be working straight from Sat till Mon, whereas i'll be in Malaysia for a short getaway trip. Means of communication? Mainly MSN & a few text msgs. Sumpah pure torture sakk. It sucks because of the fact that i want to go JB so bad to do my hair, but at the same time, I'm not willing to leave the boy behind. aku tau... aku gelojoh. =p For now? Just hug & kiss the boy as much as i can. Hahaha. Oooouuhh yes, he's at my house. & anything can happen. ^^ I'm gonna miss smelling your armpits boy. =(

I'm missing these bunch of crazy ladies so blardy badly. It's almost 2 weeks since we've last met & it's ripping me apart. I need my dosage of laughter & craziness from you guys badly. PRONTO! *inserts sad face* I'm already tearing as i browse through old pictures with the PG Ladies. & to top if off, the Love is not here yet. Katenye nak naik first train, skg da train number brape baru nak naik.. Boohoo. Oh yes, apart from BbyLove & BabyGirl, these Ladies too, can make me cry just by missing them so much. Jahat kan dorang? =(
Pardon me for the brief MIA. As most of you should have guessed, i was at his crib for 1 whole week, so that explains the " not-updating" of my blog. =) I was actually planning to update as soon as i was on the internet, but as usual, being the fickle-minded girl i am, i logged on to other websites first until i completely forgot about updating. But hey, here i am, updating for no one to read.. LOL. So yeah, the whole week at BbyLove's crib was a blast. We had a tenting outing with another couple, which was in conjuction with our month-saries. Theirs on the 30th & ours on the 1st. Then i went out on a date with BbyLove for our 7 monthsary, in which we just went to Esplanade to catch the fireworks & just to hang out. And after that it was just basically hanging out at his crib for the rest of the week. I'm not gonna make this post a long & boring one, so i'll just keep it brief & let LOADS of pictures do the talking aite. The tenting outing was at Changi & we stayed there for 2 days & 1 night. And who were the other couple we went with? These two gundus here.  SyammyStephens & ZielaWonder.
You could say that we're quite close for the fact that we always look for each other in terms of couple dates or outings. It just seems easier that way, because the 4 of us get along so damn well. =) Ok ok back to the outing, so we reached, pitched our tents and just lazed for awhile until the sun became too unbearable for us. We went for a dip in the sea & poor BbyLove lost his ball in the sea (all thanks to syam! haha). And soon after that we just lazed around catching some sleep, mind you, the 4 of us did not sleep at all the night before. Oh wait. SOME of us did catch a wink or two. Hahaha. So blablabla.. night came & dunno which idiot decided for us to tune in to MJ12. And way before the " show" started we were already scared of our wits due to someone we saw who scared the shits out of us!! There was this lady who was wearing the " telekong" & walking around the beach skipping, talking & laughing to herself. Sumpah scary lah siol! I mean, imagine you had just finished talking about the " NENEK KEROPOK" & the " KOMKOM" & all other scary stories and then suddenly you saw this figure wearing white walking & skipping! Fuuuhhh. i almost wet my pants tauu. scary nak mampos. Hahaha. Luckily for us, that was the only scary incident that we experienced. & after MJ12, we all went into out tents & EHEM2! Deshtak-deshtak semua jalan terossss! Hahaha. Ouhh come on! Don't act so innocent can? Like as if you're not doing it. Yes i do it & i'm not ashamed to say it. Tolong eh, tkmo nk step boleh tahan nafsu cann? Pfft.. -___-"And let me tell you something, it was the BEST for me & BbyLove. And we're proud to admit that we do make love. =p Hahahaha. Enough of that lah ok. Lain kali kalau tk suke, tkmo baca k? =) Headed of home the next afternoon & as soon as we cleared our stuffs, we just headed to bed & slept till night came. The next day, BbyLove was supposed to work (apparently on our 7mth), but after much whining from me & also because he was still tired, he took the day off from work & both of us went out. Nothing special planned, just was thinking that maybe we could catch some fireworks or something. & WE DID! BbyLove was somewhat scared of the fireworks. Hahaha. He said the loud booming noises of the fireworks scared him, but it still didn't scare him enough to come up behind me & whisper " Happy 7 Months" into my ears. Awwww. *grins with teeth showing*We met up with Amin & Leen, & Dee too. Did nothing much after that, just hanged around Esplanade taking nonsense & snapping pictures. Of course, mainly of us. Oh yes! I was wearing the black top & the checkered jacket which i wrote about in earlier posts. and BbyLove's reaction? SPEECHLESS! Hahaha. && he was turned on too! LOL. So there, the exciting moments of my whole week with BbyLove. Other moments might just be too much for you people to endure. Hahaha. Till next time then. I'm just waiting for the love to arrive in approximately 3 more hours. YAY!