- Besides lips, where is your favourite spot to get kiss ? ; Forehead (:- How do you feel when you wake up this morning ? ; Lazy as a pig. Urrgh.
- Who was the last person you took photo with ? ; BbyLove♥.
- Would you consider yourself to be spoiled ? ; Very.- Would you ever donate blood ? ; Yes. Someday.
- Have you ever had a bestfrien who was the opposite sex [?] ; Yup2. Loads of em. Hahs.- Do you want someone dead ? ; Nahhh..- What does the last message say ? ; "I can't think anything,head pain"- BbyLove♥
- What are you thinking right now ? ; How i wish i was there with BbyLove♥ right now.
- Do you wish someone with you right now ? ; Duhh..
- What time you went to bed last night ? ; Can't recall. All i know was, i slept on the phone, AGAIN. =D
- Where did you buy the T-shirt that you're wearing now ? ; Bugis.
- Is Someone in your mind ? ; Yesyes.
- Who was the last person who texted you ? ; BbyLove♥- 10 people to do this quiz. 1: Diana Lush2: P G Kykie
3: P G Eesya
4: P G Dina
5: P G Que
6: P G Shidah
7: Lynn Tai
8: ZielaWonder
9: Mama[N]alo
10: Zaizikki
Who is number 2 having relationship with ? ; MOK. =D- Is 3 female or male ? ; 100% Female. - If 7 & 10 get together, would it be a good thing ? ; My lil brother & Lynn? Oh hell no! Hahaha. Wayyyy off limits.- What is 1 studying about ? ; How annoying some people can be. Haha.
- When was the last time you chat with 5 ? ; Wah piangg. Quite long ago.
- is 4 Single ? ; Ask her uh.
- Say something about 2 ? ; Quite a sarcastic one. REALLY! haha.
- What do you think about 3 & 6 being together ? ; Ok lah tuu. Besties mahh.
- Describe 9 . ; Annoyingly sweet. =)
- What will you do if 6 & 7 fight ? ; Err.. Sit back & enjoy the show? Hahaha.
- Do you like 8 ? ; What's there not to like about that loud, crazy girl? She's fun to be with. =)
&& there you go. random survey copied from somewhere. Boredom does this to you, you know. LOL.
Didn't go to work today. Reason being? Was too damn lazy. There was a "KUDA KEPANG" demo under my blk, and mummy wanted to watch it.. so spent most of the day sitting around watching the performance. Somehow, it made my interest in Kuda Kepang came back, & i almost made the decision to join. Hah. BbyLove is sick & sulking away on the phone now. LOL. And i'm trying very hard to persuade him not to work tomorrow, but the stubborn one is still undecided. So yeah.. We'll see how it goes. And dats about it. My mind is blank & i'm trying to get BbyLove to sleep. 22hrs & 30 mins to our 5 MONTHS. & 11 more days till eternal OLD-NESS. *gasps*
 I know reassuring you time & time again is just not gonna make the matter go away instantly. It all takes time Love. I know i havent been messaging or talking to you much, lately.. I know i havent been the same lately. And to give the reason that i'm busy, is just not good enough. I know. But Love,your paranoia is getting to you, till you forget that we were once in this exact situation. Only that the person being paranoid before, was ME. =). No, i'm not mad at you. Or even disappointed or anything. I'm even smiling right now, cause when you're acting this way, it damn truely shows how deep your love is for me. & i like it, sorta.. =D Bby, i've been through this before and you were there for me & now it's time for me to be there for you. Slowly, we'll get rid of those worries & dreadful thots. Slowly, we'll pick this all up. Slowly, i'll make you believe again. Just wait & give it some time. You'll be hugging me in no time. Just have a lil bit more patience aite Love. And i PROMISE you..all will be well. I Love You Hadidi Fadzly.That aside, work hasn't been much of a joy lately. Maybe because, 1: i haven't been to work for almost a week & 2: things have really really gone bad. Have been going back early these days, either due to my laziness or that we we asked to go back. Not much to complain about actually. So yeah, work sucks. Lol. Oh yeah, i saw ABDUL RAHMAN, ANAK FIREFIGHTER ,( who was being weirdly quiet.. *scrathes head*) , just now after work & took the train with him towards East side, as i had to pick up BabyGirl from Grams place. You're quite a quiet boy when you're not surrounded with you friends huh.. =p
&& i still can't seem to stop looking at my " JUMPING TURTLE". Hahaha. I keep going back to my blog just to catch a glimpse of my " JUMPING TURTLE." lol.That's about it i guess. Till next time then. Cheers. =) **12 MORE DAYS to eternal "OLD-NESS".**
yesyes. I've changed my blogskin yet again. & all because i've been helping people edit their blog these days. That was when i found my old skin rather boring, after seeing what beauties other people's blog have become. Hahaha. So yeah.. Here's the new skin & i'm quite liking it. Even BbyLove likes it. I'm still doing some other changes but it just seems that blogger likes to be an ass sometimes huh.. Oh yah! I love my JUMPING TURTLE ^^. lol.
Watching BbyLove & BabyGirl sleep side by side just brings tears to my eyes. I've never felt my life to be complete up to this very day. Seeing the way he treats BabyGirl just like his own child just brings tears to my eyes.. Oh shut up! Hahaha. So what if i'm being mushy2 & all that shit? Don't like it? Buat bodoh sudah dgn kau.. Hahahha.
Haiz.. Never ever ever ever, have i felt that my life could be complete. Yet today... haizz.. it is COMPLETE. I've found myself the guy who is willing to accept me for who i am. And also accept BabyGirl even tho she is not his. Urgh! My feelings are just beyond words. It's too strong to be laid down in text. I'm just so damn happy right now. And nothing can come and ruin it. 
I've just vacuumed & mopped the house, like as if there's no tomorrow. and surprisingly, with the help of lil bro who is never one to lift a finger to help clean the house.. But today,he just offered to help & i wonder whats up.. And he has been a cheeky idiot when he found out that BbyLove is coming back here tonight, saying that i was being the good girl just because BbyLove is coming.. =.= Thanks anyway ZAIZIKKI BIN ZAINI. AHHHH!! HE'S COMING! HE'S COMING! && I LOOK LIKE A FREAKING MESS!! AHHHHH!! Oh well.. He still loves me even when i look like a beggar. AHHHHH!! He's already reaching! && these butterflies won't stop fluttering! *runs around the house* Heee.
There just isn't anything much i can do is there? Haiz.. Yes i feel JEALOUS. Yes i feel pissed. But what can i do, when that person is considered family by BbyLove... Urgh! It's just so irritatingly, IRRITATING. My reasons for not liking that person? I don't really have much to begin with, only that because that person knows more about BbyLove than me && that person likes to hug BbyLove,right in front of me!! Like i don't even exist!! Maybe i could give that person another chance to make like her. But for now, I just don't like seeing you & seeing my BbyLove's pictures anywhere you are. UNSTOODETED?! grrr.
I've been smoking non-stop like there's no tomorrow & i'm still widely fresh awake even tho i've gotta go out by 8.30am later on. Bby Love's has already reached La-La-Land & i'm already missing his snoring. Gahhhhh! i just feel so restless. Mendakkkkkkkkkk.....
& I'm backkkkkkkk.. and it's only been a few hours but yet it has already began to feel like a dread... not that i dnt like it being at home with my Baby Girl & family. But wouldn't it be much much better if Bby Love is here with me too? Urgh! it is just PURE torture, being apart from him. What did i do the whole day at home? I helped my GUNDU Cousin-in-law set up her own blog. all from SCRATCH. Wasn't that bad, because i love editting blog too! Hahaha. so it was rather fun teaching her all the stuffs she needed to know. And it has really got me itching to change my blogskin too. LOL. So NAAAAA, better give me some credits uh! lol Aku rindu tu anak Zainuddin lahhh! Oh shit! 18 more days!! Arrrrgghhh!! *runs away*
 Caught Angels & Demons on Sat nite with Bby Love. And amazingly, it wasn't a disappointment. It was as how the storybook was writtened & it totally made my night complete. =) I know i haven't been updating much & there are lots of things to be shared. But at times, i just don't feel like blogging.. The past week was quite an exciting week. Bby Love had a little accident, i ALMOST got banned from my work place, i cut my hair , went to the KTM exhibition at SG Flyers, had Karaoke session with P G Babies, and expanded my earholes, again. So yeah, the week was a blast & i really did enjoy myself. Even though there was some minor screw ups along the way. But all in all, everything was A-OK. =) && i seriously don't think it would be apropriate for me to write everything that has happened,cos then this post would turn out totally BORING. LOL. I just wish i was with Bby Love right now, bcos of his minor accident. But at least he's alright now, except for the frequent back pain he gets now & then. I've got lots of pictures to upload, but there seems to be something wrong with my comp right now, so i guess it'll have to wait. I guess i've gotta get back to Bby Love now, before he starts getting cranky. OH YAH! to DEGILboy, I hate it only on certain occasions when it really sucks lahh.. & don't worry lah Love, the hair that you love will be for you eye pleasure soon aite. Muacks! ILY Bby. *I am seriously not looking forward to this June. URGH! A year older & i'm starting to feel the pressure.*
I cut my hair! && so did Bby Love. Tho he looks much much more "DEGIL" now. LOL. Yesyes. Things are back to normal now. I guess i let my insecurities got the best of me. Tsk. I hate my hair. It totally sucks now.. Pfft. =.=
If there was 1 word to describe what i'm feeling now, it would have to be DEAD. My heart felt like it was being ripped apart viciously & at the same time, my heart suddenly decided to quit on me too. I couldn't breathe, i couldn't stop the tears from flowing and i couldn't stop my mind from thinking that it's over. I never said YOU changed... i said WE changed. we were no longer like before.. no longer laughing, no longer cracking jokes. and it left me broken. Yes, i was disappointed when you uttered the words, "I malas". But there was nothing i could do but just cry in silence. I know you heard me cry, & you knew i was disappointed. But the harder you try to get me to say it, the more it fell back inside my heart. And all i could do was kept quiet.. You hate me for keeping quiet, but that's the only thing i can do before i hurt US more. I wasn't keeping quiet because i just want to leave it at that. No. I just don't to do any more damage to what we've already done. We're both trying so hard to make things work, but the harder we try.. the distant we get. We try to give comforting words but all we do is hurt each other with our words & actions, unintentionally. And that makes things much harder. One thing about you that i salute, is the fact that you voice out whatever you're feeling.. whether it be hatred or love or anything. But to find me the exact opposite of that, is just truly amazing on how we came together in the first place. And i hate myself for that. For not being strong enough. I really do.. Forgive me if i hurt you by saying that i hate myself, but this feeling is too strong to be ignored. Baby, i want so much to make things better, to make things work. But the more we try, the more we're getting apart. And i'm scared. I'm scared i'll lose you. I'm scared i'll lose the love we've built. I'm scared to even think that you'll no longer be mine. I'm sorry. "Tell me you want me, Tell me you need me, Tell me you love me. But please, Do not tell me lies.. For i can see it in your eyes.
It no longer sparkles, It no longer glows. It no longer held the warmth that i yearned for. It is now.. Just a pair of eyes that is no longer alive.
Please don't love me because you feel that it is your duty. Love me because you want to. Love me because you feel it too.
I rather you hurt me for telling the truth. Then you loving me with all the lies."
 I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO IN LOVE WITH THESE LADIES RIGHT NOWWWW!! Who are they?! They are known as BEAT FREAKS, the 1st runner up of the latest season of America's Best Dance Crew. They are a bunch of ladies who can headspin, do flares, do EVERYTHING a guy can do! Yes! They really inspire alot of people to believe in their dreams and follow their passion. And what they do is beyond amazing. 1 of the crew members is a MOM and she does the slickest flares ever! Seriously! i don't know what has gotten over me but they just captured my attention and has got me hyped up, even tho it's almost 5am.. LOL. I shan't say much but i really really recommend you to watch them perform. You can watch their vids at MTV's website. Just type in America's Best Dance Crew Season 3. See all their performances, and i'm sure you will be in awe too. =D
* Something has changed between us and it's causing me to worry. We are not like how we used to be before. There's a gap growing in between us and i'm not too sure if u feel it too. Maybe it's because of the missing or maybe because of the long time apart. But communication is not one of our best forte now. And we always have arguments, even if it is a small one. Bby, i still love you & i still want this to work, BADLY. But with us not opening up to each other, it just seems that this gap is growing bigger & bigger by the minute. Forgive me if i'm worrying too much. But i just can't help but cry everynight thinking about us. I still love you as much as i do. I'm just worried that this will cause the end of us. =_( *

First & foremost... 
I SWEAR to GOD that my tummy will burst any time soon! LOL. I brought Mummy out to dinner today. And she chose to go to Seoul Garden bcos of the fact that she has never been to one. So yeah, headed of to Causeway Point (CP), Seoul Garden where we had to wait for about 30 mins due to the waiting list. I wasn't totally in my mood because of what the place held for me. The good memories even the bad ones. So yeah.. I was a bit moody to begin with, but remembering that it was a day for Mummy, i cheered up. Blablabla.. We finally got our table and off went my brother attacking the buffet line. Mummy sure was being very funny & adorable as she kept asking questions about the place. Nothing much though... Only that i got a gift from mummy. A necklace & bracelet.. =) For now, i'm just waiting for the Love to be back so i can hear his voice again.
In exactly 30 days 16 hrs, i'm going to be 22. And it's beginning to feel like a dread.. I know that it's something that i can't stop or avoid, but can't i just live my life as 18 once again? LOL. I know 22 is not such a big thing for others, but to me... it means alot. Oh whatever. At the very least, i've still got my family,friends & Love with me. So yeah, i guess i should be contented with that huh.? Cheers then. .jpg) .jpg) .jpg) And there she is. Zakiyah Bte Mohamad. The one who has stood by me through all the hard times & is still here for me despite all my rudeness. I love you Mama. I really do.
I'm too sick to function properly. I've got so much to do, so much that i NEED to do. But my body & mind just wants to shut down and not wake up.. 1 min i'll be walking around the house with no aim and the next i'll be lying on the couch with my eyes shut. Urgh. And to top this weakness, Bby Love is nowhere near me. I just wished i could lie down with his arms around me. Tsk. Such a comforting thought. What to do today? I'm not toooo sure. Maybe i'll just crawl back on my bed and sleep again.
Some minor changes to the blog. Cause i feel like the original layout is getting boring. So yeah, hold on for more changes. Gotta stop now.. Poor Bby Love, getting bored while i'm busy with my blog. Cheers!
This pic however, just can't be put together with the other pics.. Cause it's just too damn special. *grins*.jpg) To see the wide grin on your face that day, when you saw your friends & family, is just the best gift i could ever received. All i wanted was to make it a day you won't forget. A day where you feel loved. Bby, you mean the world to me. & i would to any lengths just to see that smile again. I know you said it time & time again, that just being with me would make you happy. And i'm thankful for those words. I just wanna prove to you that i'm the very best for you & that i'll forever be here for you. =) Remember love, this is just the beginning. We'll make others jealous, we'll make others wished they were us. Cause this LOVE we're feeling, this LOVE we've achieved, is something i'll hold on to, forever. I LOVE YOU HADIDI FADZLY.
&& here are the photos as promised. Enjoy! .jpg)

Most of those that came. THANKS Y'ALL!
And these are the other photos that i've "STOLEN" from Zyma's blog. (Sorry Zyma! Hee!)

Till next time den. Cheers!
All is fair in love and war.. And even friendship too.. I've been thinkin alot and it just gets deeper & deeper into my head. I know i've not been much of a friend lately,due to planning for Bby Love's birthday and all. But i've been feeling a sense of resentment from some people lately.. And it is really really bothering me. I feel like i've lost touch and that i don't belong anymore. Haiz. I don't really know where i'm going with this post.. but one thing that i know for sure is that.. I'M PULLING MYSELF BACK. I feel like it's time for me to just give them a lil space and not bother any of them. Cause this little heart of mine, keeps telling me that i'm not needed anymore. So yeah.. Work will still be work.. Only maybe, hanging out won't be an option anymore. Cause i can feel that i am really really not needed anymore. Have fun. I will still be here whenever i'm needed. =) The weekend was a blast. Had a little surprise bday party for Bby Love. Even though it was just a Bbq pit, it really meant alot. Not to mention the help from the PGs. (Thanks y'all!) I'm just glad Bby was happy with it. There's nothing else i want, except to see him happy. And thanks to those guys for coming, EVEN THOUGH you guys were late. pfft.. But yeah, thanks for coming and making his day. Cheers! Photos will be up soon. =) I need to get away. I need to break free. I will still be here if any of you ever needs me. It is time. GOODBYE.
Nvr thought we woud make it this far, but hey.. it's just the beginning ain't it? Sumpah aku sayang kau lah siak. =D && HAPPY 18 BIRTHDAY BBY!!
Finally! Someone is of legal age now! Da boleh tgk m18 ehhh?? Lol. I'm wishing you all the best in whatever you do. I'll be behind you supporting you in everything you do. And i just wish you'll like whatever i planned to do. Even though it ain't worth much. But i just wanna see you happy on your birthday. Happy birthday Bby. Happy birthday. =)