This goes out to "Hubby". (he knows who he is.) Do you have any idea how i feel for you boy? Any single clue? I bet u don't. Yes.. we're only starting & u're still scared. Scared the past would come back haunting. Have u ever thought that maybe i was in the same position too? Or have u ever thought whether is it fair for me? You see me smiling, laughing all the time.. but do you know what's going on inside? Hurt & turmoil. All em shits. Boy, i'm not forcing neither do i want to rush into things. But i just wanna reassure u.. that u're not the only one going through this feelings. I am too. What makes u think i ain't scared of the past? I ain't worried the past would happen again? I, too, am a human.. & i do have feelings too. Truth be told, i am scared to get into another r'ship. I am scared it would end as soon as it started. And i wanna take things slow. But whenever i'm around you boy, i feel as if the world has been lifted of my shoulders. I feel like life is worth living after all. You took all my fears away & only would replace it with smiles. Do you know how much you have occupied my mind, my daily life right now? Till now all i ever do is think of you. When u don't reply my msgs, my mind would just start going berserk thinking you've changed your mind. These are RISKS. Risks in life that we have no choice, but to take. Only thing that we can take charge of is.. how we persuade it not to hurt our lives. Past & present can NEVER be the same. Past will forever be with you, teaching you a new lesson everytime. It's all up to you whether u want that lesson to be a good one or a bad one. Boy, take ur time. I ain't pushing. Cause i'll still be here waiting for you. Cause believe me when i say this.. You already took my heart. =)
"dag dug dag dug dag dug..."The heart beating faster & faster at the sight of him. And it suddenly stops beating when she saw him with another girl. She thought he cared, she thought he loved.. Only to find out the truth that he did care, he did love.. but only as a "FRIEND".The hopes she had.. the dreams she felt were crushed. She had fallen in love with someone who loves another. And she was too blinded by the love to see what was happening right in front of her.Sounds familiar? Maybe it happened to you? =) Nope. It's not what's happening to me right now. It's just something i had in my mind since a few days ago. Don't know why i kept thinking bout this "particular" past, which i thought meant nothing to me. Maybe because what i'm feeling now for "hubby" is abit similar? Maybe.. Maybe not. These moodswings i've been having is seriously irritating the hell out of me. Cause 1 moment, i can be very very hyper & the next i can be very pissed off. I don't know what's the cause of this. Just that it just happens just ike that. And it hurts seeing me hurting people i care about get fucked by me for nothing. And i'm still deciding on whether i should quit or not. This job just doesn't seem to fascinate me anymore. & i don't look forward to going to work, like i used to. So maybe, just maybe.. By end of this yr... I'm outta there. Only a few knows & they are already screwing me up. Hmm. We'll see lah people. If things just don't pick up for me, then it might be sooner than the expected date. Haiz. I hate my fucking self.
I seriously fucking absolutely damn hate it when i get sick. Do you know that it fucking spoils my mood & that it affects my social life?! Grr. Luckily, "hubby" was making me smile all day. Cause just a simple msg fm him can make me smile. =) Who is "hubby"? Someone from work. Someone unexpected. It all started out from a joke that i was his wife & he was my husband.. And from there it lead on to me & him msging each other, at first only to tease each other.. But now, we both look forward to msging each other & it always brings a smile to my face every time he msgs. Till Lyn keeps disturbing me bout it. "If Yana is smiling, den it must be Alfian that msged her." Kaninaya u.. lol. I need to go and fucking rest right now before i burst. My mood is at its very edge & it doesnt seems to get any better. Fuck. I hate being caught weak with a fucking high fever & stupid cold. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it!
Cartoons nowadays are not fun anymore, unlike last time.. I've been tuning in to OKTO since just now & nothing really caught my eye. Sometimes i think i'm just wasting away electricity. I AM SO FUCKING BORED right now. I've been lying on the floor watching cartoons, playing online games from just now. And the fact that i've got no mood to do anything makes it much worse. I'm hungry but i'm too lazy to go to the kitchen & cook. Yesterday met up with Firdian, Rong An, Yuxiangm Alvin, Jeremy Lim & Alfian(my Went to eat steamboat at Bugis, den went on to play CS at Katong Shopping ctr. It has been a long while since i played CS and the motion got to me. I felt like vommitting after playing the game. And i kept getting shot. Hahaha. I guess i've lost my touch in playing CS. What do you expect? The last i played CS was almost 2 yrs back & i totally forgot which keys were what. Hahaha. Gotta get back in the game! lol Gonna go fetch babygirl now. Cause lil bro is out celebrating his 1 yr Anniversary with the Gf. Congrats lil bro! Keep it up. =)
Know what i feel like doing right now? I feel like shouting. Yes. Shout at the top of my lungs. Shout as loud as i can. Just... shout. Haiz. I feel like as if i'm a hot pot bubbling over just waiting to catch fire and get burnt. Too many things are being kept inside & it's gonna burst sooner or later. I don't talk much these days. And i'll get frequent mood swings where i'll suddenly just wanna be alone or get very very pissed. AAARGHHH!! Fuck it lah. I need a breath of fresh air. Urgently.
How is it possible that i'm forever yawning at work but once i've reached home, i can't sleep? It irritates me alot that i can't even force myself to sleep even though i'm very very tired. & if i dnt sleep soon, it's gonna be more than 24 hrs that these eyes have stayed open. ------------------------------------------------ You were THE ONLY ONE that knew if i was faking. And you would then start to find faults with me, pick a fight over nothing.. just to make me cry. Cause you know that i'll let everything out whenever i cry. And then you would sit and hug me & listen to my blabbering nonsence, talking while crying.. and u would understand every single word i said. And the best part was, you would never ever say a word until i'm all done. You would never argue back to whatever i said cause u knew i needed someone to just LISTEN. All u would ever do was listen and hug me and let me fall asleep on your shoulders. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I MISS YOU?! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I YEARN FOR YOU?! Why did u have to leave me dude? Why?! I've never had any regrets in life, but you made yourself my biggest regret of all. You made me regret not accepting your love, not accepting you. You made me regret not giving you a chance. =_( I still remember that day. That unfateful day. It was just 1 day after my birthday & i was laughing at the chalet with others while waiting for u to come back with my birthday cake. My phone rang & it was ur face that appeared on the screen. I was overjoyed, already thinking that u have returned with the cake. But to hear Ibu's voice on the other line, it made my heart beat fast. And what Ibu told me next, sent my world crashing down. I collapsed to the ground,speechless.. till others had to help stand me up again. My legs couldn't move, i felt as if i was dreaming. I couldn't speak, i couldn't cry. All i did was gripped on to the phone and kept quiet. The next thing i knew, i threw my phone and ran as fast as i could. I ran to find a cab and i was hysterical when there was none to be seen. The others were right behind me, asking me what was happening, where i was going. I couldn't say anything, i just wanted to get to you as soon as possible. And when i reached the hospital, there u were covered in blood and bandages and all sorts of tubes running through your body. At that moment, i cried. I cried and fell to the floor.. I hugged Ibu's leg and started wailing like a mad child. I couldn't breathe, i couldn't speak. All i could do was just cry. Boy, it was supposed to be a happy occasion. We had planned it for months and there u were in the ICU bed lying helpless. I wanted to go in & see u, but i couldn't bring myself to do so. All i did was watched you from the glass window. You were so close yet so far.. I gathered all of my remaining strength and went in. And the moment i sat beside you and held your hands, your heart beat pumped faster. Doctors & nurses rushed in, shooing me out, asking me to wait outside. I thought i had killed you by just touching you. And it made me go crazy again. Hours passed and u were still unconcious. I couldn't sleep & i didn't want to go home. Others persuaded me to go home & rest but i didn't want to. I didn't want to leave your side only to return with u gone. No. I stayed. I had to stay. It was exactly at 6.43am when u opened your eyes. And i was elated. I was thanking GOD profiously for giving you another chance to live. Little did i know, you were only going to live for only 6 hrs more. Remember when i went in & u scolded me? You asked me why my eyes was swollen? Why i wasn't cutting my birthday cake. I was in tears & u made me laugh. Even when u were in critical condition, all you ever cared for was to make me smile. You held my hand & said that you love me. And it made me cry harder. And you scolded me again for crying.. We talked and you said sorry for destroying my birthday cake. Boy, u knew that was unimportant but u wanted to change the topic just to take my mind off you. That last 6 hrs were the most memorable time i had with you. And it shall be a part of my life forever. It's almost 3 yrs since you've left me & the memories are still fresh. It was as though it just happened. I couldn't forget you. I don't want to forget you. Cause you were the only one that knew me for who i am. And loved me for all my flaws and imperfections. Sometimes when i miss you, i would go to sleep with you jersey. Remember out identical jersey? Yours was red and mine was yellow. Yes, that one. You wore that jersey on that day and it is still with me. I haven't washed it cause that is the only thing that can remind me of how smelly you are. =) I miss you dude. I seriously do. How i wish i could turn back time & make you mine. I knew we would last till we grow old & grey. I knew we would love each other till the last breath. If only.. If only u didn't go. You said,"I'll love you till the day i die." But i didn't expect when you said "DIE", it had to be so soon. =_(
I SWEAR TO GOD, I AM GOING TO FUCK THE NEXT FUCKER WHO DARES TO IRRITATE THE HELL OUT OF ME. Why? Simply because my teeth hurts & i have got no fucking mood to entertain anyone. Grrr. I've just gotten my retainers yesterday & it is now hurting me like fuck. And i seriously believe that i will be down with fever tomorrow. Cause i'm already feeling the symptoms.. Work was ok just now, only that i didnt talk much, cause my damn teeth was spoiling my mood. All these pathetic pains for the price of BEAUTY. And damn, this is only the beginning. I haven't even gotten started on my laser treatment yet. And i bet it's gonna hurt a whole lot worse than this. Urgh.
I'm talking to my BESTIE again. And i felt as if a whole load has just been taken off my shoulders. I'm glad we're on talking terms again & that we're still besties. ILY bestie. I really do! =)
I'm off to bed now. Before i fucking turn into an even uglier monster than what i am now. Goodbye fuckers. =) [I SWEAR THIS POST HAS THE MOST NUMBER OF "FUCKS" THAN ALL MY TOTAL POST COMBINED. lfol.]
I don't know why, but these few days.. i have so much angst in me. I'll get angry over slightest things. Or maybe even because of some stupid thoughts. My anger is really getting the best of me. Till yesterday when i reached work, i wasn't smiling.. I was just plain.. GLOOMY. Whenever someone talked to me, all i did was nod or shake my head. Or even just stare at that person. Tsk. I really am not sure what is going on with me. I'll write more later, cause now i have to get dressed to go to the dentist for my retainers. How i wish the appt was another day, for i am so fucking sleepy right now. Grrr. Current mood : GRUMPY. Current status : BROKEN.
5 more minutes to 8am and i'm wide awake. I've just cleaned my room, & now i'm sneezing away. I have a very very sensitive nose which just can't seem to make friends with dust. lol. I ended work at 6pm yest and met up with mum at Queenstown to go back together. We were reminiscing my younger days where i used to always wear "princess" gowns, shiny shoes & all the likings of a pampered daughter. And how i would always be the center of attraction with everyone. Then she recalled the story of me drinking a shot of tequila when i was only 4. It waas at Changi Airport, we were all waiting for our plane & my dad had ordered a shot of tequila. I was running around the whole airport, exploring things, disturbing ppl, just being adorable,[lol]. And after all the running ard, i went back to my parentss & dat was when i saw the shot of tequila. Thinking it was water, i picked the glass up and just drank it all up. Everyone was too shock to do anything that by the time the reacted, i had already finished the drink. And when my face turned disgusted, everyone started laughing at me. Hahaha. Guess that was really my 1st taste of alcohol. At the mere age of 4. & after i downed the shot, i was asleep in the airplane the whole way to Jakarta. It was fun reminicsing the old days, where i was closer to daddy then mummy. But now, i don't even talk to daddy anymore. Not even a hi or a bye. Guess times changed & ppl changed. I'm off. Cause i need to get some sleep before i get up for work. Urgh! & the sounds of Mambo is just not making my mood go better. Current status : B.R.O.K.E.N.
I'm killing myself with all these sad thinking & tears. I just don't tink i'm able to sit at home anymore cause it will only make me think more & more about all these shits that's happening to me. Do you know how much it hurts knowing that ur best friend is not longer a phone call away or that u will now have to go a day without msging her or disturbing her sleep? It fucking hurts so damn bad. And i think i've dried up all my tears. I was looking at pics & i came across this pic of me and her. The very 1st few pics taken while we were still considered just "friends". While we still learning to trust each other. And tears just came. Soon after that, i was browsing through all our pics and crying like a mad woman. Tsk.It has been a long time since i cried this hard.. And the last time i cried this hard was when i found out what Haziq had done to me. Haiz. I still remember the days when i could call her up anytime, even at 4am in the morning, and she would pick up my call and hear me crying like and idiot when she was supposed to be working at 7am the next day. She would grumble when she picked up the phone but would immediately turned soft the moment she heard me crying. And she would even meet me up, even if it was just a little while. I was too harsh on her, nvr giving her a chance to explain or to even say anything. But what was i supposed to do. I was at my living's end and she left me hanging. I was so heartbroken. Haiz. And for me to treat her this way is just so damn unfair to her.. Dee, what we've gone through meant alot to me. Even though our friendship is just turning 3. You never once complained when i woke you up in the wee hours. Or when i shouted at u or scolded u. You were always there for me whenever i needed you. And you gave all your love to me. You never once complained when i was being pushy and rude to u. And i respect u for the patience you had for me. I'm sorry if i ever hurt u in anyway. Or if i made u cry. I'm really really sorry. I just wished things didn't turn out the way they did. But i guess there's no turning back. I wish u all the best in life, with bearbear. I will always be here for you. Even when u have forgotten about me. Cause from the day we met till the day i die.. YOU'LL FOREVER BE MY BEST FRIEND. =_(
As for you Yat, i'm sorry if i was being pushy or watsoever. But u made me forget bout him. You made me laugh & smile again. I guess i was being to clingy till u got hurt. And about the thing bout skinheads, i really didn't mean what i said. It was meant only to be a joke, but u took it to seriously & i'm sorry. Haiz. I wished you would still talk to me even if u didn't have any feelings for me. But i guess u've moved on. All the best with ur new love boy. All the best. =)
& now. Some outdated pictures.
  Firdian the "PRAWN" boy! lol. & this? My darling "BF" all drunk. lol.
  Who is this? This is Yat. The guy who i'm always talking about. & dats all for now. Till next time. =)
I'm not okay. No matter how i say i am, truth is i'm not. I've been spending way to much time at home, till mummy has start noticing. She even asked me where Bestie is, to which i will only reply. "She's busy with work." Haiz. I'm assuming that Yat has found someone else due to his PM at msn. i'm abit sad that things never happened & also that maybe i was hoping to much from him. Tsk.tsk. But every single day, the only person that i still keep thinking about is Haziq. I don't know why, or how. But he manages to still occupy my mind no matter how hard i try to forget him. I also just found out that his brother also went in, so dats y the bro never replied my msges. Now i'm just waiting for Haziq's friend to msg me & let me know bout his outcome. I miss that idiot. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I try so hard to control my feelings,control my emotions. But at times, it just gets out off hand. Seeing couples around me is makng it much much worse. Sometimes i can't help but shed tears even in the train. I'm getting lonelier & lonelier as days pass by. and the only company i have is my laptop. Even my family is not much of a company due to the clashing of our times. The onyl bonding times i get with them is during my off days, but even that seems impossible as every weekend they'll be at JB. Haiz. Life just seems to get suckier & suckier each day. And i'm starting to hate waking up. Cause it seems my dream world is the only thing i look forward to each day. * It was a pleasure knowing u boy. And if i've ever hurt you, i'm sorry. Tkc. & all the best. *
I almost drank myself to death yesternite.. literally. Fucking Zouk securities.. Idiots all of em. Got me damn high even b4 midnite. And i found myself sleeping on Lyn's lap. lol. [Sorry kalau air liur semua kene kaki kau ehkk! Hahaha] But i woke up & manage to still dance away. Was supposed to go to St James after the staff party, but i couldn't bring myself to go there. I would still be sleeping right now if i went to St James! Luckily i didn't end up like how i did during DBL O. Thank god for that. =) Only the embarassing part was that alot of ppl saw me sleeping. Hahaha. And they were teasing me non-stop about it. Watever lah kan.. As long as i did not cry & make a fool out of myself. Actually i did cry, inside the toilet. Cause i missed my bestie. I couldn't help but think of her & how we turned out this way. Haiz. Anyways, thanks to those who took care of me. Especially Onn, Pin, Alex, Myra,Arvin,Farhan & others. I'm blessed to have friends like you. And thanks Alex for sending me home, up to my door. lol. Tsk.tsk. I guess i'm not a gd drinker like i used to be. & i guess it's time for me to really really cut down on my drinking. Cause everytime i drink, i'll end up sleeping. & it is so embarassing okehh! lol. Dats all for now. I'm still high right now, & i'm waiting for mummy to come back home so she can cook for me. lol. Byee!
I've been doing too much "WONDERING", i think i'm gonna go crazy soon. Seriously. I can wonder about even the smallest matter, like who invented all these words. Lol. Too much free time lahh. I guess all this "wonderings" have gotten me thinking that maybe i was too harsh on HER. But on the other hand, what she said hurt me real bad. So who's to be blamed? Both parties are. Haiz. I don't want to mention what she did to me, cause it will only hurt me more. Tsk. I should damn well be sleeping right now, but here i am eating bread & tuna. Haha. Hungry lahhh! ZOUK is having a STAFF PARTY later on tonight & i'll be going. Only that i told the others that i might not make it, cause i'll be going JB. When the fact is that i'm going nowhere! lol. A little white lie wouldn't hurt anyone whhutt. lol. The reasons why i told them that is because, 1: I wanted to sort of surprise them. 2: Soooo many ppl expect me to be there! & i seriously dont know why. Tsk. But i will definitely be going, only dnt know what time. Cause most of them will be meeting @ 4 @ Orchard. So it's either i surprise them there or surprise them at work. Either ways, it'll still be a surprise wouldn't it?! lol. I'm gonna prepare myself for bed right now. Soooo. The next update will be about ZOUK'S STAFF NIGHT!! Till the next post ppl! =) *You ppl just don't get it do you? I don't ask for much. Only your love. But i guess its too much for you guys to give huh? Tsk. *
Oh wow. I feel like my heart has just been ripped out from me. & no, this time ain't about love. It's about FRIENDS. Ever gone through something where u thought u knew that person inside out, only to be proven wrong? That is what just happened to me. I thought i knew this girl well. Cause she's my BEST FRIEND. Yesyes. I think u guys know who i'm talking about. Tsk. What she said to me just now indeed affected my mood at work. Till i fucked some of my colleagues & i was quiet all the way. I nvr thought she would me leave hanging in times of need. And to the extend that she chose her BF over me. Tsk. I guess this is life. Haiz. I've gotta stop here before i cry anymore. Cause i've cried enough just now. I was there for you 24/7. I gave everything i could to you & now u leave me hanging just like that. & i thought you were MY BEST FRIEND. =_(
Finally! After the long tremendous, ups & downs together.. MY BRACES ARE FINALLY OFF!!Yayyy! Went to take them off yesterday morning & will be back at the clinic next week for my retainers. I feel so bloody nakedd! Seriously. I was too attached to the braces that when the Dr took them off, i almost cried & almost said gdbye to the braces.LoL It was like as if someone took away my most favourite teddy beaar & threw it away in the garbage. I was playing with my mouth all the way,trying to find something which wasn't there. & i looked like a damn fool. Hahaha. Most of the ppl who has already saw me told me i look weird without the braces & told me to go back & put the braces back on. Hahaha. They told me i no longer look "CUTE" without it. 1 thing done!! & the list continues. One by one I'm gonna get what i want. What i've dreamed off. & nothing is gonna stop me! =) Rong An: Aiyahh u uh. so sweet lah u. Hahaha. But i ur FAKE gf only mahh. So the love doesnt count. lol. =p------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes boy. You're in every little bit of my mind & there's nothing i could do to chase you away. You've secured yourself a spot in my heart. Even if it means, i'm the only only loving u.. with u not loving me at all. Loving you from afar is satisfaction enough for me, even if u don't love me back.
I fucking banged into Wine Bar's glass door on Monday & nw the right side of my face is swollen. Hahaha. At the moment i banged into the door, i felt like punching the door. But after that i was laughing at my own stupidity. Cause it seriously was damn funny.. The thing is, when i 1st went out from Wine Bar, both doors were open. And when i went back, someone had closed 1 side of the door. & i was rushing sumore. So imagine the impact.. It was damn hard till my lips bled. lol. The next day after i woke up, i was down with high fever & my right cheek had bloated fucking bad. Tsk. Luckily now, it has subsided tremendously & i look much better. I'm here blogging cause i'm waiting for time to get ready and go to the dentist. Yes! Today will be the day i take out my braces! *i hope*Cause the doctor said that if everything was fine, then he will take it out for me.. If not, then i'll have to wait for awhile longer. YAY! ------------------------------------------------- I've been thinking too much about Haziq these days. Out of nowhere, he will suddenly occupy my mind.. making me miss him.. making me want to see him. But since his court date, i havent heard any news from his family.. So i'm nt sure how he is or whether he still wants to see me or not. Haiz. On the other hand, I think i fell for Yat too fast. Maybe it was on impulse cause i missed being in loved. I missed having someone special. And because of that, i put too much hopes on him. And now, i've finally realised that he & i will never be together. Cause he is still hurt after his recent relationship & he has other girls which he can choose from. But funny thing is that, there was once when my msn personal msg was ," HE WAS ONLY MEANT TO BE A FRIEND & NOTHING MORE. NOT SOMEONE WHO I THOUGHT HE COULD BE." And surprisingly, he nudged me & told me not to put that up. Cause he said he doesn't want to rush into things.. And let time tell what happen. It's true what he said. Maybe i'm rushing myself into things. But on the other hand, his EX is still pestering him. Is still questioning him whenever he goes out with girls. And also the fact that he has options open. Tsk. I miss being in love. I miss being someone's "SPECIAL" one. I miss being myself. =_(
Had a drinking session last night after work at Joanne's house. It was Firdian's birthday. Tsk.Tsk. Alot of ppl got wasted. And only 4 were the survivors. Me, Joanne, Lynn & Pin. Lol. But Pin vommitted in the cab while on the way back.. so he's out. lol. Poor b'day boy. Got so fucking wasted till he was lying down on the floor dead drunk. Will update more later.. Cause i really need to get some sleep!! Suddenly, i missed you. Suddenly, i wanted you back. But Ady.. U & i can no longer be. Cause u've hurt me enough. I don't know how to trust u again.. & i don't think i ever will. Drinking sure makes one very fucking emotional. Cause as i was drinking and looking around the room.. I couldn't help but suddenly miss Haziq & it brought tears to my eyes.. I had to excuse myself to the toilet just to cry. Fuck. I miss that idiotic son of a bitch. I really do. =_(
Our dearest TAI MEI LING has tagged me to do some kind of ques survey. So here goes. The rules and regulations: 1. Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. 2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. 3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. 4. No tags back ! 10 Weird things/habits/little known facts about TAZZY YANA! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. I snore real bad when i'm sleeping. 2. I have a very terrible temper & if things don't go my way, i'll be pissed. 3. I'm OBSESSED with the colour YELLOW. 4. I fart alot. SERIOUSLYY! lol. 5. I always get off track whenever somthing new comes up. 6. I'm very very good at covering my feelings. 7. I hate hanging out in a big group containing all girls. 8.I prefer BOY-friends more rather than GIRL-friends. 9. I smoke way too much recently. Sooner or later, i'm gonna get damn sick. 10.I don't go around being a FAKE. I am ME. =) The 10 people:Whoever wants to do it uh. :I'm too damn lazy to tagg. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kykie dear, pls do not feel so bad. Cause i was only joking. Ask Dina or any of the PGs.. This is who i am. If u wanted to think of ur hurt, den how bout mine? I feel hurt when u guys don't include me & Dee along for our outings.. When all i try to do is keep trying to get u guys out together. Have u seen that most of the outing was planned by who? Haiz. Nvm lah Kykie. And pls. I'm not mad. I was only joking. =) I swear that before i on my latop, i have so many things in mind too blog. But once i logged in to blogger, my mind goes on Auto Shut Down. Grrr. Oh well.. Maybe i'll update again later. Gotta really grab some sleep. Cause i've been sleeping to little these days. It's either i sleep for only 1 or 2 hrs or i dnt sleep at all. And believe me, i've tried everything.. Sleeping pills, tiring myself out.. but nothing seems to work. I JUST CAN'T SLEEP & IT'S IRRITATING THE HELL OUT OF ME!!
Oh wow. I have to be out of the house in 45 mins time & i just got back. lol. I'm working today.. @ Baby Dee's werkplace. Went out to meet Mr Cute @.k.@ Yat just now. Went to catch a movie at Cathay.. watched HSM3. Hahaha. And believe me when i said it wasnt me who wanted to watch it. It was Yat that insisted on watching cause he said his GF was acting in it. Hahhaha. Was "BUBBLED" by dearest Lynn & Lim. Grr. Tu lahh.. Make babies somemore lahh. lols. After the movie, went down to Bukit Batok to fetch Bambam & later on to J.E to fetch Bambam's gf.. And off we went to Jalan Kayu to eat. I was damn hungry actually, but after a few spoons i was already full.. Don't know what's up with me nowadays. I get so hungry but i'll only eat a lil bit. Tsk.Tsk. So after J.K, we went driving around with no specific destination. And ntah mcm mane we ended up at Jurong Hill. And here i am now, typing away while waiting for the time to get ready and go to work. Oh gosh. Yat was being very extremely hyper today.. His reason : Because he got to watch High School Musical 3. lol. Funny guy. I had butterflies in my tummy throughout the whole time,no reasons why. Am i falling in love again? Or is it just a mere crush? But what i know for certain is that i just can't get him off my mind!! Heee. =p Friday, 30th Oct 2008. HALLOWEEN! Halloween was effing awesome! The whole crew was decked up as zombies And we were having fun putting on the make up. Dozens of pics were taken but unfortunately due to my laziness, i'm gonna upload them later. & i couldn't believe that tickets to Zouk were totally SOLD OUT! So imagine a whole lot of ppl in diff outfits all jammed pack in one fucking small space. Imagine my frustation of trying to get pass all those idiots. I was shouting and cursing alot of customers that day. I couldn't care less what those idiots think, cause i was fucking pissed and it was so god damned hot. Tsk. But overall it was FUN. Lots of scaring & lots of laughing. I love it yet i hate it at the same time. lols. And to my PG Babies except Baby Dee: Jangan merajok kalau aku klua tk ajak korang okehh!! Cause it seemed that u guys are seriously giving me stupid reasons when i ask why u never ask me along. Giving me crap reasons like i'm working & stuffs is all just crap lah okehh. Senang ckp memang krg tk slalu igt psl aku dgn Dee, so don't worry. I'm not mad or anything. I just don't like it when u Babies give me those kinds of reasons. Understooded Babies??! lol "You've got me on a hook boy. And all i do is keep thinking of you. Tsk.tsk. =p"
I've got so many things to blog about but my fingers seems to not want to type. Aarrgh. Lazy mode is back on. And i'm going back to sleep. Cause i'll be meting MR Cute later on. Heee. Bye! =) (Am i falling in love? Or is this just an infatuation? But i just can't seem to forget you,cause all it seems is that i keep thinking bout u all day long boy. )