Why is it when you think you are ready to commit, to settle down.. All of a sudden, problems come up?
Just when i thought i was ready to spend my life with you, to make you my future husband, this story came up.
You said you and her were no longer in contact,
but why is it that you said to her,you and me were no longer in contact?
You broke my heart real bad.
I couldn't believe what i was hearing. From her.
And i couldn't believe you would say that only now u believe i was serious with you.
Why now?
Why when all these things came up then u said u believe me?
Why not then, when i showed you how much i loved you..
When i showered you with all my love?
Why not THEN?
Do you know that i've told my mum how much i loved you.
How much you meant the world to me.
How much i wanted to make you my Husband?
Do you know all that?
I bet u didn't know all that. But here i am now, telling you all this.
You mean the world to me.
You mean EVERYTHING to me.
But here you are doing things i never thought you would.
Let me know now how am i to trust you again.
How am i to believe all your words.
Cause seriously speaking, my trust for you is gone.
And my love for you is standing still.
I just don't know what to do anymore.
You hurt me so bad.
And i thought you were the one for me.