Wahhhhh... famous jugak aku ni eh.. sampai bnyk org tag aku suruh update.. lols. Well,you guys should know why i haven't been updating much. Firstly, i'm sick.. And secondly,Gemok is at home. Understand,understood lah kan.. I have so much to update.. But so little time..so lets start. I finally did my teddy bear.. Very very cute tauu.. (tgk lah sape buat kan.. lols) Got to spend some quality tme with Gemok.. Blablabla.. And yeah, JALAN RAYA with CP and others! Fun.. Feels like before.. Seriously missed them so much. We laughed and joked.. Although most didn't turn up,still it was fun.. the day was going great initially,till something came up and spoilt our day., Mcm sialsss. Luckily, most of us weren't affected by it.. And the outing went on as usual.. Reaches home at 2am.. Yes,very late sak.. Nasib ade transport.. hahaha. I will upload the pics later.. too lazy to do it now as i've just woken up.. (and tu pun psl ade org call aku.. grrr..) As for that "i" person.. Suka hati kau lah kan syg.. Awak tag lah bnyk2 lagi.. Kita rindu awak tau.. lols. Ok.. people,will update soon. I PROMISE!! *My english is atrocious in here. What the heck! LOL*
Hey.. Sorry for being M.I.A.. things were just not up to plan these past few days.. I was admitted to the hospital due to some chest and lungs infection.. And i finally went and made the "Build-a-bear-workshop" thingy! Wooooooohooooooooo!! Happy lah sey.. My bear so cute sey.. (tgk lah sape buat kan..lol)..Dear "I", Asal awak cakap saya tebiat? saya suka awak tauuu.. Awak ni tk best lah.. Awak,awak.. sapa lagi yang awak kenal selain dari saya dgn fidah? awak tknk tag semua kwn2 kita ke? Tag lah.. best tau.. Kita semua suka layan orang macam awak.. Orang yang tkde kerja.. Hahahhahahaha...
Like i said before.. It takes much more to irritate me.. So darling, give me your BEST shot. i'll be waitingggg... P.s: More updates later. Have to prepare things for tomorrow. Yay!yay! besok jalan raya!! weeeeee!!
This post is dedicated to a dear friend of mine. Gemok received an unexpected call yesternight. And had gotten news that one of our fren's mum had just passed away. Shocked being the 1st word that i could describe our reaction. I am still in shock, for i never thought it would happen to this dear friend of mine. After all that he's going through.. Oh gosh. I am so scared.. for him and for myself too. Lets offer some Al-Fatehah for the deceased. And to dear Anep, Anep, kau tau aku dgn Rizal will always be here for you. Jangan ckp bukan-bukan.. Jangan cakap yang kita tk kisah pasal kau lagi.. Don't think ,that just because me and LoCo are starting a new family together, that we have forgotten about you or that we have pushed you aside. I know you are at a lost now. But remember anep, you have us.. I still remember the last time i saw your mum, we joked and she teased me. And that was the last i ever saw of her. Hanif, forget everything your shitty father has done.. Now it's time for you 2 to be there for each other. No matter what, he'll still be your father. Aku tau kau at a lost skg.. but be strong Anep.. I know you're a strong dude. Hey, what's the use of being a skinhead if you're weak right?Lol. But hey, cry if you want to. Crying doesn't mean you're weak. Crying in front of others shows that you are mush stronger than you ever think you are. I know you need me and Rizal more than ever now. So don't hesitate to call me or Rizal if you ever need anything. You should know by now, that we already consider you our family.. Kau akan sentiasa jadi adik aku yang paling "SIAL" k? Jangan takot.. "title" tu tetap kau punye.. selame-lame nye k.. Haiz, anep.. I'l be here for you.. Anytime.. Anywhere.
"Im gonna make you feel like you are heaven on earth Im gonna say to your mother just for giving you birth Im gonna wanna hold you in my arms when you cry If thats okay with you If thats okay with you"
I'm so loving this song right now!Cute guy,Cute dance! And it makes me wanna danceeee.. Shayne ward is the next Ricky Martin i tell ya! Woohoo!! Lol.. *(Singing..) if that's ok with you.. if that's ok with you...*
I am going to die of boredom soon due to the fact that i have been having several meetings all day. And i still have 3 more meetings to attend to later on. Gaaahhhh!!!Ok.. Get back to business about the Dec picnic. I'm going to make the orders for the cupcakes soon. Filling dia chocolate ok kan with you guys? and like Nani suggested, we'll be having like some sort of theme wear everybody will be wearing the same colour shirts. And the colour is WHITE. Is everybody ok with that? Do tell me soon okies.. And oh yes, Nani will be planning on who should bring what.. Something like potluck (I stole iqah's idea.. Huhu) .. Oh yes.. Kak nani kita a.k.a KAK BABI kita is going to plan it.. (Az,together now..1,2,3.. MACAM PAHAM!!) Hahahahahaha.So details.. Date:15th DecVenue: East Coast Park (dats the only suitable place i can think of.)Time: Will be updated. (pasal nk kena tunggu org tu confirm dia bawak kreta ke tidak..)Dress code: WHITE tops.
Ok.. so dat's about it.. Sooooo.. any queries, feel free to flood my tagboard.. Toodles. Off to another meeting!
HARI RAYA PICTURES!!! Weeeeee!!! Puji banyak-banyak k!!! hahas...
1st day!! Yay!
The Mummy and the baby. Granny, Baby, Mummy. Peace! Ziyanah, Zaphia, Zaizikki

I'm the kakak okeehh!! He's not the abang! Hmph! 
The 3 Gemoks! 
2nd Day Raya. Redddd! 
Me and Mummy.. Lots more pictures.. and i'll upload them soon k.. Byes!!
Tons of paper piled up on my desk. And what am i doing now? Blogging, websurfing. Why? Cause somebody that has itchy hands,touched my comp and now all my data has gone missing. And instead of that stupid person, i'm the one that got the fucking from the boss. Oh wait.. You don't think i would let that stupid person go so easily would you.. Oh no.. not the very least.. And now, i'm boycotting my work. Everytime someone comes up to me and asks me to do something, all i'll do is shout, " Do yourself ah! Blind isit? Cannot see all my data missing?? Fuck lah!" Yes.. and now everybody is staying out of my way. Niceee.. Relaxing all day is what i shall do. Woohoo! :)
Random. See my "header" above? (thanks cik iqah).. It shows a picture of Gemok, his sons,Phia and me. Summary: Big Family. But that Gemok wants another 2!! 1 more boy and 1 more girl! YOU THINK I BABY MACHINE ISIT?? *baby machine= one that pops out a baby anytime* Lol.Yes.. That idiotic Gemok of mine wants another 2 baby. In total i'll be having 5 kids.. (nanti orang pikir aku mak babi sakkk.. hahahahah) Gosh! *shudders*Just thinking of 5 brats running around me is already making me delusional. 1 at home is already equivelant to Paranoia.. Additional 2 that is already grown up.. And add on 2 more wailing furless monkeys? TOTAL= Undescribable insanity. Lol. Exagerating much? True.. But seriously... 2 more? Shit.*Boredness at work leads to randomness of the mind. Fret not, i am still insane :)
Notice how "automatically" we spew out bad words once Ramadhan is over.. (the keyword is automatically.) Naughty-naughty people ehhh. Lagi-lagi kak Nani kita tuuu.. Mulut Nani boleh tahan sakkk!! Hahahhaa.. Yes, talked to her in MSN,and there would never be a sentence or phrase without her saying "BABI". ((AKU BABI PE?? BABI TK BUAT KAN BIRTHDAY PICNIC TAUU!!!) Hahahahaha!! Soooooooooo.....it's has been decided, we'll be having the picnic on 15th Dec.. And i'll be ordering the cuppies soon. Eh..eh.. ape colour yang korang nak? aku forgot lahhh.. Lol.Ok.. I'm going off soon.. Because want to go JB jalan raya!! weee!! and damn Gemok is still sleeping.. Gundu tol. *To whoever fucks,so what? bila part gini,aku unreasonable? then when you guys left me out in the cold.. When you guys left me clueless... aku jugak ah unreasonable? Fuck it lahh.. rather than wasting my time with you fucks,i'm better off living my own life.. Ambik kisah pasal korang pun jadi satu kesalahan besar. Kalau da binatang, binatang jugak namanyeee.. :p
Gaaaahhh.. Early morning and already so many people have made me pissed. And the list haven't include the stupids at work yet. Sometimes i just don't understand what these people want. They expect me to devote myself to them 24/7 and they'll only look for me when they need me? they go happy-happy with new friends and leave me hanging. And their reasons.. "Kau kan skg da nak kahwin.." Tak masok akal lah siakk!! orang da kahwin ke belum ke,tkde kene mengena dgn nak ajak keluar jln2.. Mmg Gemok can be unreasonable at times, but as if u people don't know me.. I can persuade him till he gives in pe.. And come on lah.. Of all people, you guys?? You guys who i consider my fam? You guys who knows me better inside out? You guys whom i dare to shed tears infront of without feeling any shame? You guys, better known as " Crazie Peeps" are just not worth my time anymore. You guys treat me like fuck.. and you expect Gold in return. Maybe it's best if i forget all of you,like how you have done to me. Itu yang korang nak pe. Well,guess what.. Your wish is granted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AAARRGGHHH!!!!Enough of the stupid fucks. Well, to update on my Hari Raya! weeeeeee!! Fun,fun,fun.. all the way.. Being around cousins was absolutely wonderful. No matter our age difference,we were still like small kids teasing one another and laughing our asses off. Brought Gemok along yest.. to see my family.. Aunts and Uncles were shocked to see Gemok.. Saying he was so big.. "macam Gorilla" (quoted from Grandmama.) Lol. Today will be going to JB, to cover other family members in JB. And yes, Gemok will be following too. Cause the Atok sdare der wants to see his future "Cucu-in-law".. Hahahaha.. Pics will be uploaded soon. Cause most are still in the cam. And others are in house comp... So pics shall have to be postponed to a later date.. and now.. aku nk go fuck people for messing up my documents!!*feels good to be ME again.*
KORANG PIKIR AKU BARUAH KORANG PE NAK KENE G PUJUK KORANG SATU2 UNTUK JALAN RAYA?? Eh tolong lah.. korang tkde ingat aku, beh korang buat aku macam baruah... Sukehati korang lah kan... Pandai2 lah korang plan jalan raya.. Lagipun korang-korang semua kan ade kawan baru,, Kawan lama semua korang lupa pe.. F*** korang lahh!! aku give up dgn perangai korang satu2.. Semua tk kenang budi peh orang.. Baru the 4th day Hari Raya korang da tunjuk belang.. Tk guna mintak maaf lah sialll!!! I've said it once,i'll say it again.. I can be nice if you want me to. But once you crossed my line, don't ever bother thinking you can talk to me again. You treat me like crap and i'm supposed to treat you like gold? Fuck off.
So many things to update.. so little time.. 1st day Raya was spent at Grandma's house. Not much travelling.. Only 1 house but lots and lots of people. Gemok's fam came to my house at about 11.30pm.. His parents and my parents talked about us. And the month has been set. It will be in Jan. Oh gosh! now i really feel the pressure. Will be going to R.O.M next week to register. And then all the preparations will start taking place.. But it will be only family.. For friends, you guys have to wait for 1 year time lah kannnn.. hahahaha.. But this Jan, i'll probably invite my closest friends.. but not much.. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh.. * screaming* I'm so feeling the pressure now.. Excited and yet scared. Alright.. will update more.. My guests have arrived.. and back to waitressing position! Lol. Bye!
 Have just tweaked my blogskin.. Changed the colour and also the picture. (seriously, i don't know what it's called. ) Simple-simple ajee.. still using the same template.. Moved things here and there.. and VOILA! done! Hee. I'm now at home, waiting for Gemok to wake up.. again. I've mopped the house.. And now just waiting for him to "sadar" so we can go Geylang.. Dunno what he wants to look for now. Suruh beli siang2 tknk.. Kan skg da mcm lipas kodong.. Terkial-kial nk carik barang.. Oh well.. all's done. And i'm off to the TOILLLETTT. toodles.
TADDAAAAAAAA!!! Heee.. Lawa kan??   
Yayness! I've rebonded my hair and highlighted it too!! Weeeee! I very pretty oredi horr. hahs. Supposedly to take half day yesterday but in the end, took the whole day off. Went to bbdc in the morning to book Gemok's FTT and my BTT (again).. Then off we went to JB! Woohhoooo!! Reached there about 12.15pm. And Gemok's parents pick us up at JB checkpoint. Then went back to his house. Chilled for abit and off we went to "ANGGGGSAAANNAAA"!!! lols. Went to the hair salon 1st to inquire pricing for rebonding and hilite annnnddd treatment too. and all only for about rm 190.. which is equivalent to about 85 Sing moolahs.. Wooohhoooo! cheap kann.. comfirm2 if go Singapore about almost S$200. And Gemok got it on the action too.. He just highlighted his hair. Cause he say,he want to look " same-same" as me. Hahaha. It took about 4-5 hours for my hair to be done, but it only took Gemok about 1hr+... so in the end,the bugger got pissed and threatened to leave me all alone in JB. "Wahh...wahhh... I asked you beforehand while we were in S'pore if u really can wait for me. And u ye-ye ohh say can okeehh.. and now u want to leave me in JB. all alone sumore?! you very very black-hearted siaaa... i don't want love you oredi ahhh." Ciss.. Irritating kalau dpt laki fickle-minded.. Mcm *toot*! Lols. Soooooo.. now my hair very very pretty oredi.. can swing-swing tauuu.. *swinging hair* hahahaha.. I'm so so happy seyyy!! hee.. Today going to Geylang with mummy to take my baju! weeeeee!! (lagi menambah kan happiness aku. hee)Ok2.. i will update more later.. cause now.. i want to sleep! hahahaha.. yes.. i can sleep. cause nobody is in the office and i'm all alonnneeeee... Oh yah... gambar ehk.. hee.. malulah saya.. ALAMAK! cnnt upload yet lahh.. dunno where my colleague go put my USB cable.. so.. wait horr.. hee. :)
 Much apologies for not updating yesterday. It totally slipped my mind until the end of the day. Bila aku nak balik baru aku teringat nk blog. Duhh. LOL. Too many documents and files on my table till i can sleep and no one would notice. Really! Hahahaha. Eh..eh.. don't think just because there are tons of papers,i'm not doing my work okeehh.. F.Y.I,some of these papers are just rubbish waiting to be sorted out. And it'll have to wait. A quick recap on my weekends...Sat.Was supposed to go to jb today but due to some stupid reasons,it was called off. So i spent most of the day sleeping ((after work laaaa..)) ,woke up.. help mummy cleaned the house abit and blablablabla.. Typical day. Oh wait! i had a fight with Gemok. Again. But this time it was me winning (hee!) not him. Ok,ok.. something i shouldn't be proud off, but i just can't help it. At last i finally won at something and made him shut up. I said some things that maybeeee...... i shouldn't have. But try keeping shut for almost 2 yrs, try keeping all the hurt and anger inside you. What do you think will happen? But i guess those words that i said did bring some Hikmah.. Cause the next thing i knew, he was inside the room praying. YES! He was prayinggg laaaahhhh!! Sumpah, at that point of time i felt so bad,i felt so very very guilty for saying those words. I waited for him to finish his prayers.. Once done, i went up to him and said i was sorry for saying those words to him,but yet all he did was say "Thank You." Huh? sape kau sak? Mane Gemok aku? .... Aku seriously was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to reply to him. He sat me down and said that those words made him realised that it was time for him to change,so he won't loose anymore people that love. OMG!! Kate-kate aku power kedema lah seyyy!! hahahahaha. cut things short.. all went back to normal.. and it went back to the mundane night. ugh.. What were the words i said? huhuhuhuhu.. "Agaknye,bini kau..ex2 kau semua tinggal kan kau pasal perangai kau yang sial nie. kau patot pikir,aku sorang lah yang sanggop nak tahan dgn kau!" Yes. I was very very harsh, but you can't blame me.. I was holding back for too long, and i guess my " patience" wire just snapped! hahaha. SUN.Sunday wasn't much either. Left the boys at home and went shopping the whole day. Followed mummy go IKEA. bought quite a lot of stuffs for Hari Raya. Please people.. don't ever bring me to IKEA,cause i'll go crazy and i'll never want to leave... (unless u people want to buy for me whatever i want laaa... hee.) Shop,shop,shop... Oh yah.. Lil Gemok cut her hair. I have yet to upload her pics, so wait people! Wait! lol.I guess that's all. I'm having a serious case of writer's block. And my head is hurting. Update soon k people. toodles!. AKU NAK TGK HIKMAH 3 LAHHHH!! Did i tell you i'm going to Jb tomorrow?? BESOK HALF DAY!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! G shopping! yay! yay!
Damn, Nani just reminded me that B.E.P is coming too! Wooohhoooo!! aku bankrupt!! da tkde duit nk makan!! (sape boleh derma kan $2?)
The little "RED" monster has decided to come and haunt me today. And also to me give me the cramps to go along with it.. Period lahh oii..Bahhh!. Oh well, at least i'll get to visit my arwah "atak's" grave on the 1st day of raya..I miss him terribly. "Why did you have to leave me so soon atak? didn't u want to see me get married? I never even got to see your when you passed away. In fact i only knew you had passed and left me, 1 week after. How cruel of mama and ayah not to tell me. I hated them. I despised them. i didn't want to talk to them. Cause they didn't let me see you for the last time..I didn't talk to them for God knows how long. I turned havoc,i turned wild because of all the hatred and anger compiling inside. Then, i got pregnant.. i still remember the day, when i was sleeping. It felt so real.. So very vivid. I remembered you standing at the door of my room smiling at me. I was already 7 mths pregnant then.You just stood there and smiled at me. Then slowly you went away.. You waved at me and you were gone. I woke up right after you left and shouted your name. I cried. You have no idea how i've missed you. You have no idea how i was ashamed with myself,for having disappoint you, for having disgraced your name. Yet you came,and you just smiled. You weren't angry with me. You just.. smiled.. I related the incident to mama,who in turned told it to ayah. Ayah den told mama dat he had almost the same dream where u came, looked at him,smiled and just went away.. I knew it was you atak.. I knew it wasn't some stupid evil thing just playing with my thoughts. After that day, i kept holding on to your picture. The only picture i have of you. I went to sleep crying,missing you and holding on to your picture. You were always there for me when i was small, but everything changed the day ayah cut off his family ties with all of you. I didn't know what was happening back then as i was only a young girl. Following days and weeks after we left, i kept asking mama and ayah when we were going to visit you again. They only said soon, but it was never to happen again. That was the last time i ever saw of you. Then, on 31/01/2004,i gave birth to my daughter.. The same night in hospital,u appeared again in my dreams. You looked over my daughter's crib and you smiled. Isn't she the exact same replica as me atak? she is, isn't she? Then i saw tears coming from your eyes.. I wanted you to stay, i wanted you to hold your great-grand daughter. I wanted you to give her the love that you had given me. But you left again, without saying a word. I will let her know what a wonderful,great man you were. I'll let her remember you like how i remember you.I know that you're looking in on me as i'm tearing and typing this post now. I just wish you didn't leave me so soon. There are many things i want to say to you. And the only time i will,is every year on Hari Raya. I'll be there soon atak, to visit you. How i wish i can stay there with you all the time.. I promise you i will come and visit often, not only on Hari Raya. Atak, I miss you.. and I love you.Your grandaughter, ana."
Oh shit.. I'm so excited! Already bought the tickets. and i'm going to see them!! Gemok doesn't knows yet.. He'll be soooo happy, he'll be loving me for the next 100 years! lols. I'M GOOOOOIIIINNNNNGGGGG TTTTOOOO SSSSEEEEEEEEEEE LLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNN PPPPPPPAAAAAARRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKK!!! *running around in the office like a mad woman* Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my god, early morning and already my heart rate is going wild. I'm going to surprise Gemok when i get back home later and by then i'll be dead. Ohhh gosh.. too much excitement in one day. *inhale*huuuu.. *exhale* haaaa.. Ok.. i'm ok now.. oh yeah.. and David Copperfield is coming to Singapore. That i have to ask Gemok 1st, but i'm sure he'll say yes. Cause he's a big fan of Magic whereas i'm just a fan of David Copperfield..hee *blushing*.. Cause he's so handsomeeee.. Haiz... *imagining me and David together* lol. ((I have a very huge imagination lifespan okeehh.))... You know like the guys from shows like "Days of Our Lives", all dat lah.. kan very mysterious,handsome.. Aiya! i just want to see David Copperfield live then i'll be willing to die there and then.. Lols. AARGH!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GOING TO GO SEE LINKIN PARKKKK!!! AAARRGGGHH!!!!!!
((I don't think excitement wears off easily does it?? lols))
 Temptation is running high with all the stupid banglas eating in front of me. I am so strongg sey.. hahs. Money. It has always been an issue for me and Gemok. Well, for everybody in fact. But what i just can't stand is that sometimes he thinks money just drops from the skies. To think back,whenever it comes to his pay.. i will never question him on what he spent it on. But when it comes to me,he'll ask me what i spent on.Every single cent,even to how many drinks i bought. It does get annoying at times. Very annoying.. Yesternight, we had a little tiff. As usual about money.. He kept saying what did i spent my money on till it was left so little. Like duhh.. Ni mamat kadang2 mrepek.. Obviously he knew what i spent it on and he still asked me. I'm not like him to go and buy such "unimportant" stuffs such as games and all stupid shits. Haiz, if i were to go on blablerring about what happened,it'll only add up to my anger. So let's just stop k. "At times,i want to hate you as much as i possibly could. But other times, i want to love you the very best i can. Pls don't make me regret ever choosing you over him. You can be the sweetest thing on earth when u're nice, but you can be worse than the Devil when you mad. I chose this path and i should be sticking to it. And i am. Sometimes i wonder, why don't i ever use my own advice. Why do i cleverly say to people to do this,do that.. but when it comes to me, i forget everything. I've said it once.. i'll say it again.. i will forever love you and try to make it work. But baby, don't take things forgranted.. Cause you'll never know what lies ahead."
I am now going to plan for the Raya outing and the Dec babies picnic. And pls Iqah, try to make it k. Oh Shits! i have to get back to work! Loads of paper are waiting for me! Damn! and when things were getting fun.. Bleearrghhh!!
ye cik iqah.. aku jugak lah kene blanja korang yeee.. eh cannot! cannot! Zyla dgn Az pun kene chip in pasal bukan b'day dorang.. wakakakaka.. ok.. so skg aku nk kene plan b'day2 krg pulak.. Sumpah this time kalau tk jadi aku bunuh diri k.. hehehe.. But kan.. 1st nk kene carik date, den order cupcakes.. AARGHH!! Iqah! tolong! kau lagi pandai plan ni bende semua.. TOLONG!!!!
I've been doing nothing but blog hopping the whole day.. and also i keep checking my blog and my blogmates blog to see if they have updated or reply to my tagg. That goes to show how free i am at work.. Gaaahhhhh.. aku borriinnngggggggggg... hee :)
 Somebody has got nothing better to do than ask me how to masak "Mee soto". and early in the morning too at that. Like mcm sengaje buat aku kempunan mee soto kan.. siow.. sape lagi kan if not my irritating and whining kakak sedare , "NanaLush". Biasa lah si nana, everyday keep talking about food. but she never gets fat. Always skinny, always all bones. Lols. And to think, bagedel pun tk tau nak buat pe?? wakakakakaka. Aku suka lah kacau kau.. Pasal kau suka irritate aku. Got out of the office at 8.30 pm last night. Due to botak tengah (my chinese boss,dats what i call him) asking me to attend the meeting. Saying that is crucial for me to be there. Baaahhhh.. padahal 80% of the meeting tkde kene mengena dgn aku.. Irritating tol ah si botak tengah ni.. And due to that meeting, Gemok got pissed at me because he had to wait for me outside my work place for a long time.. Bukan salah i peee.. boss i yg banyak songeh.. u nak marah i buat pe. marah si botak tengah tu ah.. Grrrrr... Got into a little tiff with him. All because of money again.Why is money always the issue btwn me and him? he keeps saying that i'll only be happy whenever we got money. Waahhhh.. aku mata duitan peee.. Irritating sak.. Feel like scolding him but i just couldn't be bothered.. because it will only end up into a huge fight. I just kept quiet. but being him, aku diam pun salah lah! Tak mcm siak pe dekni.. wahkaooo.. Sumpah yest i feel like wanting to slap him.. But it just won't do any good. I'll only end up with me getting beaten by him. URGH! Kadang-kadang sayang.. Kadang-kadang benci pun ade seyyy. Haizzz.. Reached home, help clean the house abit.. Washed up and straight went to my room. And it was only 10 pm. Shocker huh?? i didn't want to talk to him or to even see his face. I fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow. (angan-angan nk baca buku, skali ter-zzzzzzz pulak.. lol). Was woken up by him putting the comforter over me and kissing my forehead.. ((tau sayang bini.. ingat kan tk syg lagi.. hehe..)) Aku pun ape lagi, mengada lah.. i "eksyen-eksyen " pushed him aside.. Lols. aku tau.. aku jahat.. hehehe.. but as usual, i couldn't be mad at him for long. But i couldn't make my eyes open for long. so off i went.. back to La-la land.. And i might be going back late today again! AAARRGHHHH!!! KAN*&^%!!!
My eyes are getting smaller and it's only 3pm.. AAARGH!!! what am i to do.. everybody in msn is all doing something. AKU NAK TDOOOO!!!
ok.. my new tagboard is officially dead. tak guna tul.. it cuts your msgs.. and only shows a part of the msgs... stupid.. so i've changed it back to the old one.. much better and easier.. AND I'M MSN-ING WITH MY GEMOK!! Oh shits..rahsia terbongkarrr.. DAMN!!
I've changed my tagboard..just to see if it suits my blog.. if i don't like it.. i change it! hee.so tell me, you guys prefer the old one or the new one k.. Well,well,well.. as you all know, yesterday was Gemok's birthday. Initially, the plan was to go to Seoul Garden at Woodlands as he wanted to eat till his stomach BURST... So i met him at the bus stop near my home.. went to Boon Lay int and took the train.. While on the train, Gemok started changing his mind about where he wanted to go. For once i couldn't complain as it was his birthday and it was his choice. After much deliberation, (and to my disappointment.hmph!) he decided to go to...  Carls Junior
where is it? It's at Marina Square on the 1st level. The burgers there were HUGEEE i tell you! They were the size of 2 and a 1/2 Big Mac. Seriously.. Look at them...  Kan aku da cakap kannnn..
Gemok ordered the Double Teriyaki Burger which was extremely BIG. I ordered the Chilli Cheeseburger which was about 3/4 the size of Gemok's burger. And i ordered my favourite...  Chilli cheese fries!!
Sedap lah seyyy!! After our messy (believe me when i say it was MESSY!!) yet satisfying ordeal, we went to Suntec City. Gemok wanted to go to Swensens (I swear thats the reason his tummy is so biggg) to have their Ice cream. Had to say Yes even though my stomach was full and i was feeling like throwing up. Headed to Swensens only to find Gemok changing his mind again. Grrrrr. So we walked around Suntec and i saw THE shop!! I finally saw it!! weeee!! Have you guys ever seen or heard about the shop where you can stuff your own bear, give them a voice and dress them in all types of clothes?? That's the one! I've heard about this shop a long time ago, only i didn't have the time to go and look for it. Now that i've found it.. I'm going back there next week!!! and.. and.. i'm going to get the "Blue Cuddles Teddy" and the "Lil Milk Chocolate Cub" next week!! and i'm going to buy the wedding dress.. and the hot pants.. and the biker dude costume.. and the crocs.. and.. AARGH!! i can go on and on in here.. lol..Here's the link for it: http://www.buildabear.com.sg/home--------------------------------- My Gemok is really one fickle-minded guy. Cause, out of a sudden he said he wanted Ice Cream. Grrrrr.. So off we went to Andersens Ice Cream to have their waffles ice cream. It was heavenly! but too bad i didn't have the photos as we gobbled them up as soon we got them.. hee... Then we walked around Suntec some more.. and sat at Starbucks for a quick drink.( (sumpah laki aku tk tau erti kenyang..))
((aku da jadi gemok sehhhh..)) ((Ni lah laki aku.. Gangster tepi jalan.. lol))
(and this, the drink that he called "air kopi". pikir kat kedai kopi pe!!))
I almost forgot that we had to go to Penin to collect Gemok's present. Luckily Suntec to Penin wasn't that far.. So Gemok called his friend to not close the shop yet.. We were rushing like mad people.. And with that fulllll stomach, i just knew i was going to throw up sooner or later.. We reached Gemok's friend shop, but to Gemok's dismay.. his present wasn't there yet.. Gundu kan.. kat telefon boleh tanye sak da dtg blom.. ni tk.. Gundu tol..His present will only be coming in next week before Raya. What's his present?? It's a "Flying V" electric guitar with the whole set of equiptments such as the Amplifier,Distortion and mcm2 lagi lahh... How much? about nearly 600... yup.. and tolong eh.. it's not expensive ok.. it was already a very good price that Gemok got from his friend. Try buying it 1 by 1.. And it'll total up to more than 2k. So what we got was considered a rip-off.. hee.. Oh well, I'll just upload the rest of the pics to let you guys see k. I'm too tired to type anymore and i wanna play my PSP!!!All in all, our day was a fun and memorable one even though we didn't spend lavishly. As they say, " Money can't buy Happiness." and we have proven it.. I love you Gemok. And i forever will. Gemok saying they were worms.. E.W.U..
I am officially declared... F.A.T. The burger box.. hee.
Gemok trying to smile while "tahan-ing" his full stomach. LoL.

Ni kirekan nk ckp yang dia dapat duit untuk birthday dia.. stakat 2 dollar jeeeee.. hahahahaha..
So.. whose birthday is next??? :)
My brain is about to burst! Why?? Because of all these plannings that are making my mind go "blearghh!!".. I have yet to plan the raya outing.. I know it may seem like such a long way to go.. tapi ade yang "STAR" karat.. so have to plan earlier. Luckily the picnic that me and iqah plan is done. So it's just waiting for the day to come. Phew.. Oh SHITS! December babies birthday! Damn.. Like i said to Nani just now.. "aku da jadi minah-minah picnic sak."
CUTE kannn?? This is all the work of her dear "DADDY".. irritating ajeee.. she's a girl yet at times she would say, "Phia good boy." Ish.. Susah payah aku ngandong kan kau, kau ckp kau boy.. hee. And today is the long awaited day.. It's my DARLING'S BIRTHDAY!!! He was 50/50 happy yet sad at the same time. Happy cause he got to eat cakes and i will pamper him. Sad cause i always tease him,saying he's old.. And now, he tuntut.. want go makan Seoul Garden until perot MELETOP.. Lol.. I will update more later.. since now, the stupid "botak-tengah" boss has decided i should become his secretary for the day. grrr.. irritating peh botak..