(( 3 More Days to Gemok's Birthday ))
((THIS IS A RE_ENACTION OF SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED A LONG LOONNGG TIME AGO.)) "WA SAPA LU SAPA! LU BERAK SEPAH-SEPAH!!"hahahaha.. i was taught how to say this by a 6 year old girl. she said to me "kakak robot, ikot Bear2 ehk." and there she went shouting at the top of her lungs,"wa sapa lu sapa! lu berak sepah-sepah!".. Sumpah i cannot tahan and i laughed till my stomach hurts. Then suddenly she said, "Ok. your turn." huh?? serious kapee?? and there she went on, saying if i don't say it she will tell her darling uncle (a.k.a Gemok) that i bully her. WAHLAOOOO!! This little girl bully me siaaa.. buey tahan ehhh.. she kept pestering me to say it, and when i did finally say it, she said i wasn't loud enough. she said i must be loud enough until everybody in the block can hear me.. WHAT THE!! hahahaha.
Me: cannot lah.. later police catch me. Her: where gott? if police come you shout at them what i teach you lah.. Me: NAK MAMPOS! tk balik modal aku masok jail free2. Her: Bear2 bilang abg Rizal eh?? *starts shouting* ABAAAANNNGGGG RRRIIIZZZAAAALLLLL!!!! Me: ok! ok! i'll say it.. ughh.
And i said it.. Loud enough so that she won't whine and say its not loud enough. I looked at her and she was smiling so happily.. (mcm dpt gi Disney Land pulak).. ANNNNNNDDDDD.... out of nowhere... the uncle (a.k.a GEMOK) came into the living room bursting into laughter. WAHKAOOOO!! Gf kau kene bully kau ketawa kan aku ajee?? sungguh tak berhati perut kamu... YAK-DUSH! *kicks him in the tummy* And i swear, ever since that day.. that's the 1st thing she'll ask me to say whenever i see her.. LoL.
--------------------------------- Oh yeah.. You must wondering.. "Kakak robot?? ape binatang sak tu kakak robot??" I will tell you but be WARNED!should there be anyone who laughs at me or call me that after i wrote it here, you will be automatically be dead at sun-down. ( This is real. If you treasure your life, keep your mouth SHUT!!)
Okk.. again..the name surfaced from this cheeky 6 yr old girl nicknamed, "Bear-Bear". It was just in the starting stage of our relationship when i gt to meet this fat girl. She bullied me from the 1st time she knew me. Kept ordering me around without knowing my name. Then one dayyy, her gundu uncle asked her..
Gundu Uncle: Bear, name kakak ni sape?? Bear2: aahhh.. ntah.. bear2 pun tak tauu.. Gundu Uncle: laa.. bear2 main-main dgn kakak ni abeh bear2 tk tau name kakak ni sape? Bear2: BEAR-BEAR TAK TAU LAAAAAHHH!!! ( she gets cranky easily) Gundu Uncle: Ok..ok.. bear2 nk panggil kakak ni ape? tapi name dia kak yana tau.. Bear2: Taknak! nama kakak ni "KAKAK ROBOT". Me: huh?? asal kakak robot?? (at this point of time Gemok was too busy rolling on the floor and laughing till death. Grr. I wish he did die.) Bear2: pasal gigi kakak ade benda kilat2 tuuu. Me: *trying hard to hold back the tears* ooohh.. k..
and i just fled.. Gemok by now was beyond control.. and at the verge of breathing his last..((sakit je hati.. grrr)) but since that day things only got worse.. not better.. read-on..
so since the debut of my new name, i've been called by that name mostly by the fat girl and Gemok's mum. Gemok's dad was kind enough to try to say my name everytime he talks to me, but at times he just can't help himself and "terlepas" the word robot.. and it even came to the extend that even nenek calls me that! and some of Gemok Aunts as well. *sakit nya hati ku.. mendengar kata tu..* but waiitttt.. as if "Robot " wasn't bad enough.. my name was saved as "Robert" in Gemok's mums hp. YES!! ROBERT AS IN A GUY?? GUY NAME?? PAHAM??!! wahlaoooo! is there no end to my sufferings?? (cheh2.. mcm paham).. and because of that,my pride has been terribly bruised.. haaaaaa.. i don't want to live anymore... waaaaaaaaaa.. *sobbing hysterically* oh well, all's well.. they are no longer calling me "ROBOT" (except for that cheeky little fat girl). I am glad to say.. i am up and running.. LoL. AND MY NAME IS YANA!!
you might find it funny and might be laughing your asses off right now.. hell, i'm laughing too. but please read the warning. It may be funny.. but it carries real consequences to those who read it. don't say i didn't warn youuuuu... hehehe *evil grin*
a last note before i go: again.. SAPE2 YANG PANGGIL AKU TU, SUMPAH KEPALA KAU AKAN DIPANCUNG!!!!
Cheers :) Bye!
(( 4 More Days to Gemok's Birthday ))
 I seriously didn't know what i was doing the whole morning till i totally forgot about blogger. Oh yeah, i was busy planning next Sun birthday outing for both Gemok and my Cousin. and also planning for the cupcakes outing!! hee.. tk sabar aku.. the thrill of planning is so exilarating that i get caught up in trying to make it a perfect one. Yes. i love picnics. Sumpah kalau korang plan picnic kan,confirm aku masak mcm2 sak.. lol. and yet because of planning, i've now forgotten what i wanted to blog about.. oh well, nvm.. i'll update when i remember it.. gaaaahhh. AKU NAK CUPCAKE SKG JUGAK!!! hee :)
((5 Days To Gemok's Birthday )) Sooo.. Here goes.. Since i've been tagged by 2 persons.. i shall just put it all into one okeehh.. Suke lah korang menyusahkan aku kannnn.. hahaha.. 1. List out your top 5 birthday presents u wish for:heee.. Ni part best..1st: PSP Gold (from Gemok) 2nd:KITTY CAT!!! (plssssss..) 3rd:The pretty pretty necklace i saw with Gemok. 4th: errrr.. my mind blank oredi. 5th: sleep all day?? haaaa. 2. The person who tagged u is:Gt 2 people tau. The forever chubby cheeks " Zyla" and the super naughty and cheeky " Molley Isha" 3. Your relationship with her is:Zyla is the hyper active "tweety look-alike" from blogging. Molley Isha is the very talkative princess of Gemok. (hmph,aku jealous okeeh.)4. Your 5 impressions of her:I haven't met Zyla yet, but from the way things are,she is one SUPER-DUPER,HYPERACTIVE, CUTE,PAMPERED girl. (hahahahaha) I've only met Isha once, but from what i know.. she is very TALKATIVE lehhh!! hahaha. And she is one CUTE cinone look-alike. 5. The most memorable thing she has done for you:hmm.. When they both were there for me when i was very very downnnn.. 6. The most memorable words she has said to you:ey? " I LOVE YOU LAH KAK TAZZY" from isha.. (which made me feel like a lesbian seminit. hahs)" DON'T SAY I DON"T UNDERSTAND JUST BECAUSE I"M YOUNGER!". really ketok me on the head sia when she said that. hahaha. 7. If she becomes your lover, you will?:i will keep them both wrap under my ketiak till they faint then keep them inside my cupboard so they can't leave! wakakakakaka! 8. If she's your lover, what she has to improve on?:i will make Zyla's cheeks chubbier and make Isha's hair curlier. hahaha.. No lah.. they are unique in their own ways. 9. If she becomes your enemy, you will:die. i'd rather die than have them both as enemies. SUMPAH!10. If she becomes your enemy, the reason is:for not letting me smother them under my ketiak! hahaha! 11. The most desired thing you would like to do for her now is?:desired?? heheh * thinking evil thoughts*.. Hahaha.. Just meet them and have fun! 12. Your overall impression of her:Zyla: A super clever baby girl who has the IQ of a dying old man. LoL. Isha: A fun and sensitive princess who is very very talkative! 13. Pass this quiz to 10 people that u wish to know how they feel about u.1) Dillie Boop. 2)Shamma mamaaa. 3)Lindarling. 4)Sanep 5)Raleah 6)Nouse. 7) Sape- 8)sape 9)yang nak 10)buat lahhh. Ok done!i have finally done this thing! sooo.. HAPPY??? TAK HAPPY TKMO TGK UHHHH!! hahaha.
(( 5 Days To Gemok's Birthday ))

I've been sick. Very very sick. So pardon for not blogging yesterday,as i spent the whole day sleeping. So to update.. Took a day off from painting the house yest.. oh wait, didn't i tell u we were painting the house?? hee. Yes,we painted the house a whole new colour.. A combination of light and dark blue.. and it turned out to be very very prettyy.. i so happy seyy.. Hahaha. Yes.Yes. Aku pun cat skali. ape? tk caye? tk caye sudah ahhh!! Lols.
Well, now i'm at work creating trouble. Pagi2 bangla find fault with me, then now i "mogok" don't want do work. Boss f*ked the banglas upside down and told them not to disturb me. Ya lah.. people still sick come at ppl then shout2.
"Oi stupid! Yesterday i MC lah!" Gundu sia.
I've yet to do the survey that i've been tagged with. Later can?? hahs. Oh yah, Cik iqah... bout the cupcakes thingy.. I'm up for anything.. but as you can see from the cupcakes websites,most of them are not doing cupcakes for the moment as they are busy with kuih Raya. So how?? and sumore i can only do it nxt wkend as this wkend i will be in JB. again. (don't worry. Gemok's coming with me.. so i'll make sure he doesn't bother your Love ok?? hee.) But kan, kalau nxt wkend,i'm only available on Sat.. Cause Sun i have a mini celebration for Gemok and my Abg sdare. I'll be out somewhere with my Abg sdare and wifey.. and Gemok too of course.. So if u want, i can only make it on nxt Sat. how? how? we see how k. I want to do it so badly but with all the Raya preparations, it seems so messy. We'll see how lah kan..
And now, i'm back to trying to update my friendster again. As friendster has been kind enough to piss me off again. Best kan! Nak aje aku maki hamun, tapi ape kan daya, aku puasa.
siow ting tong ah!
I've been tagged by my darlings, ZYLA and MOLLEY(ISHA). So this means i have to do 2 ke?? aiyo.. later lah k.. now i want to sleep first. hee. :)
(( 7 Days To Gemok's Birthday )) I'm at home now. took half day off.. can't take it.. my fever is getting hotter. and my asthma is getting worse. This is what always happen after a huge fight. First,a bad case of the sniffles.. Then the worst coughs.. Then i burn up like a stove. And lastly my asthma. I'm so sick right now, i could just die.. Urgh. Tolong.. Gemok is worried about me and is thinking of coming home early. ((Tau risau bini sakit.)) hahahaha. oh yah.. did i tell you what Gemok did to my msn? he has this habit of writing msgs (cruel msgs to be exact) at my msn nicks. Cause he knows i'll be logging in and i'll see it. and then we'll fight again. LoL. guess what he wrote this time round?? "You want funny? I'll make you laugh till you cry. (S_A_LoCo)" .. i don't even know what the heck it means,, sheesh.. mrepek peh Gemok.k. till here. as i have to get some sleep. My head is drumming itself like as if it was having a concert up there.. *knocks head* " hello... ade concert tk ajak.. rabakkkk.." LoL.
(( 7 days to Gemok's Birthday)) 
*a word of caution,this is going to be a very very very long post. so sit straight. and enjoy! hee.
Lets begin.. i ended of my blog by saying that it may be over between us.But i will only get back to that later on.Hee. Remember a previous post of mine where i said that he'll question me if i put up pictures of myself? Haha. He did. You should hear all the ridiculous questions he asked. Quite atrocious,really. Hahahahaha. So now, i may or may not take down those pics. Oh well, we'll see. Him aside, lets recap what i did during the weekends. Boss send me home on Sat. Reached home,grab some stuffs and headed straight to JB. Gemok wasn't happy and started to pick a fight with me,in which i just walked away and left him glaring at me. hee. Oh well, so we headed to Jb to get some stuffs for Raya. But the most of the Saturday was wasted because of my dad and his car. Kreta dia lagi important agaknye.. hahahaha. We only managed to get 1 baju raya for my bro at the end of the day. Went back to the condo (didn't i tell u my daddy gt a condo there??hee) , watched "1408". Had a tiff with Gemok over the phone as he went out without telling me, and then came back late. But i managed to try to talk to him. Managed to ask him why he was being the way he was. and his reason? "Stress with work." How typical of him to always use the reason "work" to substitute for his mistakes. I told him how i felt and he said he was sorry. after talking to him,went out to buy mee goreng (as my mummy was suddenly hungry) and slept. Woke up early the next day (Sunday) , went to Angsana and bought 2 baju for my mum, 1 for me and 1 for phia. didn't stay for long as daddy was in a foul mood and wanted to go back early. Headed back to SG. and helped the Gundus paint the house. After buka went out with him to nowhere. Just wondered aimlessly grabbing bites to eat. Got back home and we had a blowout.
A very HUGE blowout. Yes, a blowout which almost ended with him leaving for good and me "boyfriend-less." LoL. He cried ((yes people,he does have feelings. Lmao)). But me? i was doing a very good job of not crying much. Till he noticed and said i was being a stubborn-headed bitch. He said i was still trying to act "macho" and i acted as if he didn't matter to me. I wanted to bawl out and cry my heart out. But that will only show and prove to him that i'm weak. Even when he said he's really leaving. I didn't budge and just lay on my bed,with tears flowing down my cheek. He said stuffs bout karma and all. Then he asked me why i was doing this to him. And i told him.. Well, i tried..at first. After which i got so fed-up as he was stil doing the thing i didn't like right in front of my face, i just told him to get out of my room and go. He got up, said goodbye and wanted to leave. I had to control every single part of me from not pulling him back. I had to be firm. My eyes were hurting from "tahan-ing the tears". and so was his from all the crying. I thought he was really gone. And then was when i couldn't hold it anymore. I cried my heart out. I wanted to die there and then. He came back into the room and said, "You know you can't leave me yet why are you doing this?".. I jst kept quiet. To which he came to me and hugged me tight. I wanted to push him away,wanted it all to end and not to relieve the nigtmare i have been relieving every day. The more i tried to push him away, the more he held on. Tighter and tighter he held on,till i gave up and hugged him back. He made me promised not to let him go,and i made him promised not to do certain stuffs. ((I can bet that most of you are happy kan things turn out this way. Chicken tol krg. Suka abissss.)) Hahaha. Didn't go to work yesterday as i was sick from yesterday's fight. Gemok took an mc too. and we just spend the whole of yest together. weeeee! LoL. and now i'm at work updating this blog. and now my headache is getting worse. And dear Zyla and Fidah, i thank you for your kind words. yes it is true that i should give it another shot since he's showing that he still have faith in the relationship.But darlings, it does takes "two to clap" right? What about my faith? i had faith too,before. But he kept crushing my faith. Only when i seem to want to end it all, then does he show that he really wants it. i mean, who wouldn't right? And believe me, i'm not being rushy at all. "Sit down and talk" is and never would be in his dictionary. it was always "SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO HIM", all the time. So tell me, is there a need for me to get shouted at again and again? His mindset is that of an old scrooge. and i mean very very old. LoL. His thinking is,a wife ( or gf for this instant) must never answer, must never think,and must always do whatever he says even if we were to die. Yes, that is him. but nvm him. Things are better now. Thanks again Fidah and Zyla. Can i take half day today? i'm really really sick seyy.
Letto - Sandaran Hati
Yakinkah ku berdiri Di hampa tanpa tepi Bolehkah aku Mendengarmu Terkubur dalam emosi Tanpa bisa bersembunyi Aku dan nafasku Merindukanmu Terpuruk ku di sini Teraniaya sepi Dan ku tahu pasti Kau menemani Dalam hidupku Kesendirianku
Teringat ku teringat
Pada janji Mu ku terikat Hanya sekejap ku berdiri Kulakukan sepenuh hati Peduli ku peduli Siang dan malam yang berganti Sedihku ini tak ada arti Jika kaulah sandaran hati Kaulah sandaran hati Sandaran hati Inikah yang
Kau mau Benarkah ini jalanmu Hanyalah engkau yang ku tuju Pegang erat tanganku Bimbing langkah kakiku Aku hilang arah Tanpa hadirmu Dalam gelapnya Malam hariku
((lyrics to the song in my blog))
(( 9 More days to his birthday)) "I LOVE YOU." A sentence that has lost its wondeful meaning between us. A sentence where once, we said with happiness and real love. But now it's nothing more that just 3 words.
I am trying real hard to not let the tears flow down.But i have to do this. There's no other way. Let us end this farce darling. For i can no longer lie to myself anymore saying this can work out. You have caused me dead..Inside and outside. I know you feel it too. It's just that you want to continue this facade. but darling i don't see any reason why we should continue on with the show. Baby,it's of no more use. And you know that lying to ourself will only bring the biggest regret upon our lives. Fighting every night before we go to bed really takes a toll on the heart. And crying every single night only brings more hurt and more pain. Sorry for saying this, but i feel that my hatred for you is now matched with my love for you. And the worst thing is, the hatred is growing stronger each and every minute. I so want this relationship to work out. But that's a lie i keep telling myself to see you happy. You too don't feel the love anymore don't you? Then what's stopping you? I've made the first step yesterday. Now it's your turn to give me an answer. Pls don't say "No, we can work this out".. Cause you know we can't. Cause you know, i don't have the strength anymore to carry this hurt wherever i go. Fasting months test your patience and endurance against all things. Patience, Yes. Endurance, Wearing thin.
I am not one,to lie to myself. Cause i know that's the biggest mistake ever. You know me better to know that my happy front is just a show. You know i go to bed crying each night, praying to the 1 above to give me strength. I know you do.I've seen you peeking through. I wanted it so bad for you to come in and hug me tight and say it will be ok.But all you did was walk away. So let me say it once again.
Let's end all this farce and just take it as "Kalau jodoh tak ke mana."
((You'll forever be a part of me.))
i have quit. i have quit in our relationship. and in life. you won't hear from me again. I love all of you.
Why can't you just say you hate me and get it over and done with? I'm crying and all you do is look at me and walk away.. Don't i mean anything to you anymore? Tell it straight to my face if the feeling is gone.. cause you know you feel it too.. there's no need to prolong this anymore.. it will only end up in hurt and disappoint. so pls, tell it to me straight. i'm too weak to argue with you anymore. i leave it to God's hands if we were meant to be. ((i just wish i will never wake up ever again.))
((10 days to Gemok's Birthday)) All this submission for approval thing at work has made me crazy and also made me realised,that without me knowing it.. i am too always submitting for approval of posting my pics in friendster.. Hahaha.. weird but true. I have to "submit an approval" to Gemok if i wanted to post pictures. To be more precise, pictures of me,alone. He would have a problem if i went and post my pictures without telling him. and funny as it is, it would cause us to fight. Realllyyyyy... tk tipu.. he would start questioning me with really stupid questions like, "biler u ambik gmbr nie??", "kat mane?" and other really really stupid questions. When sometimes the picture clearly shows that it was taken at home. Gundu kannn.. LoL..
i don't really mind the fact that he's being "possesive".. but sometimes too much possesive-ness can hurt the relationship. I remembered once when he said to me, that i was being utterly and ridiculously possesive and that was what made him cheat on me. And yet now, he's the one being possesive. LoL.. it does get irritating and annoying at times.. but it's just another way to show your love.. only sometimes he goes wayyyy out of line. Oh well.. who am i to complain. at least i still have the love.. but... these days.. i feel the love diminishing.. yeah.. it's like we're being with each other just for the sake of it.. not for the love of it.. oh watever..i can't go brooding every single minute why my relationship is like this.. i've got much important things to worry about.. (i wish) haizzz..
Dillie dear, i definitely am sorry for not calling you up yesternight. i "ter-tdo" while watching some stupid show. LoL. Aniwaes, i am touched too by you cause you felt comfortable enough to confide in me. Even though we're not that close,and that we're only interacting through blogger and friendster. I'm glad you think i was worthy enough for you to share your problems with. Linking to that, some people say that i'm being very "kpo".. if caring for a friend and lending a crying shoulder is a kpo.. then i admit i am one. but what one doesn't realise is, i am sincere in helping and hearing your problems out. i'm not being just a typical "kpo".. i have always been this way since i can remember.. i have always helped people.. (thats what my mummy said based on an incident that happened when i was in kindergarten.) i just want to see people happy basically and thats why people find it comfortable to confide things in me. i'm not bragging.. just making myself clear to people who thinks i'm a kpo-chi.. LoL.
Pardon the long post.. but i just feel like ranting. considering the fact that my love life may just go bust at any time. i'm happy.. as always.. :_(
((10 Days To Gemok's Birthday.)) Check the meaning of your name...
Instructions: What you do is find out what each letter of your name means. Then connect all the meanings and it describes YOU. (Its TRUE!!) (Isn't it GREAT!!)
A: You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. B: You are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people. C: You definitely have a partier side in you, don't be shy to show it.
D: You have trouble trusting people. E: You are a very exciting person. F: Everyone loves you. G: You have excellent ways of viewing people. H: You are not judgmental. I: You are always smiling and making others smile. J: Jealously K: You like to try new things. L: Love is something you deeply believe in. M: Success comes easily to you. N: You like to work, but you always want a break. O: You are very open-minded. P: You are very friendly and understanding. Q: You are a hypocrite. R: You are a social butterfly. S: You are very broad-minded. T: You have an attitude, a big one. U: You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards. V: You have a very good physique and looks. W: You like your privacy. X: You never let people tell you what to do. Y: You cause a lot of trouble. Z: You're always fighting with someoneQuite true actually. hee.. Z: You're always fighting whit someone (Quite true,i'm always fighting with Gemok).I: You're always smiling and making others smile. (True too.)Y: You cause a lot of trouble. (hee.. undeniably true.)A: You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. (YUP! although some of you haven't seen it laah.)N: You like to work, but you always want break. (LoL. Absolutely correct.)A:You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. H: You are not judgemental. (Touche..) Pardon me for random postage. but i'm just pissed with one of the engineers. your fault and i get the evil eye from boss. early morning somemore! urgh! And to make matters worse,i feel like we're drifting apart.. Yet again. I'm just tired of everything. today is just not my day..
So pls, can i just go die?
((11 days to Gemok's birthday))
can i please just die right now??
it's already 5.10 and he hasn't even call when he knows i'm going back soon! sometimes i think he just takes me for granted. and all i do is just keep quiet and let him do it. but i just don't know what else to do or say to make him change. like the saying "You can never change somebody, cause change comes from within." but then what else am i supposed to do?? just keep quiet and play dumb? urgh! if only you were in my shoes right now. then you'll know what i'm feeling Gemok. Something saddens me but at the same time excites me.why so? cause i have found this website that makes the perfect little cupcakes for any occasion. and you can personalise ur own deco. and hell yeah, i'm gonna order some for this upcoming event. Wooohooo!!
((I'm still in love with you boy.))
((11 days to Gemok's Birthday)) aiya.. boss come back already.. but very very bad mood.he scold alot of people oredi.. so i better keep quiet. If not, i also kena. haiz.. Things can get too complicated at times. till sometimes it just gets out of hand. I'm chatting with my cousin's wife,who is really irritating me right now. hahaha.. at least she's the only one who i can talk to without being someone else. thanks babe. aku mendak lah!! Sometime it's weird how people always look for me when they are having r'ships problem. Even if some of the people,i'm not that close to. But it's ok. At least i know people still remember me, and still need me.. Unlike that stupid Gemok. how i wish i was a clown. haha. that was definitely very very random. hahahaha.
((11 Days To Gemok's Birthday))
Should i defend you even though u disappoint me too many times?? Should i even bother to uphold your name when u have already hurt me too much?? Naahhh.. You won't even know i stood up for you. So whats the point?? THE POINT IS!! You're gonna be my f*** husband in a few months time and yet now you've shown to my parents that you can't take care of me... How do you supposed they want to marry me off when u can't even give me 5 measly dollars for me to get to work?? UGH. I'm just wasting my saliva trying to talk to you.
Ok.. next topic.. Am i fat?? Cause seriously i think i am.. Reallllyyyyy!! Fat not because not fasting eh.. Just fat aje lah.. I mean... Others always say i'm thin.. but you people obviously haven't seen my old-old pictures kannn.. Kalau skg korang ckp aku thin, beh dulu aku ape? Aiyah.. Nvm lah.. I don't really care.. Fat or not.. If he doesn't love me when i'm fat, it's his lost lorrr.. not me..
I supposedly had ,what i wanted to blog about ,in mind just now.. but now.. ALL GONE.. Oh wells, i'll update later in the day.. After lunch maybe.. Toodles!

The countdown will be posted at the top of my entry every single time i post something. What countdown am i talking about?? The countdown to Gemok's birthday!only today ecception put below ok.Too bad his b'day is still during the fasting month.. Oh well, i could just bring him out. SO please people! Just wish him happy birthday is enough.. No need ajak2 him go out okeeh! I want it to be only me and him on his birthday.. So Gf whose bf knows my Gemok, please tell your bfs not to ajak my Gemok out!Sorry i very stingy hor.. but this year puase, so cnnt make big big party.. Next year okehh?? i make big big party den you all come down ok?? Don't want come down your pasal ah.. not my pasal wattttt...((12 days to Gemok's Birthday.))

DONE!! I have editted my friendster!! It's not as nice as the previous one, but at least it's nice. Wheww.. That's phase gone. I just hope frenster don't gatal-gatal again, go update. OMG! got one matsalleh in front of me right now leh!! Very handsome leyyy!! hahahahaha.. He's my boss for goodness sakes. LoL.
Haiz.. Fasting month really brings out the best and the worst in us. And i just didn't thought he would be this way. "Aku keje sak, bukan nye aku g jumpa jantan ke ape.. kalau aku nak g jumpa jantan, da lama da aku g carik lah..pakai otak lah.. aku keje OT pun pasal nak kumpul duit bodoh!".. Bodoh peh matrep.. da tua2 masih tk sedar diri.. Argh. Forgot it. Nothing's going to spoil my day today. Bluek!
I am really pissed with frenster. All the sleepless nights just trying to edit my frenster skin went to a waste. And all because frenster wants to be like myspace. Stupid sak!!
 ((From now on, i'll be writing my post with pictures on top. Just random pictures of me or people i love.))The other day Daddy said, "You guys are lucky for getting to eat crabs as often as you want." Yes, we were breaking our fast eating crabs. Crabs that was skinned by me and cooked by daddy .(Gemok was scared seeing me skin the crabs. LoL.) And it was weird daddy said that. Then he explained, saying that this was the 2nd time in 2 weeks that we ate crabs. And it was just because the other time, i complained. Because i only ate 1. And so they bought it just for my sake and because it was fasting month too. Then daddy went on by saying that not everybody gets to eat like we do.. and we should be thankful for that. Who says i'm not?? I am very thankful for ahve been given this life, this family, this love. I couldn't imagine what i would have become if i wasn't a part of them. Yes, i may have whined and complained, a couple of times.. Saying" how i wish things were different." But come on! People whineeee.. and i am but only a human. Daddy is a weird guy.. always saying random things all the time.. but " thoughtful" random things. All the things he say will always make me and my brother think. All the things he say will always be a life lesson learned. And to think he didn't even complete his Pri 6. Yes, my daddy was a failure then, always taking drugs.. always the abusive one.. He was the ultimate FAILURE. But now, he has made a success out of himself no one thought he could. He achieved things beyond his wildest dreams. And he's happy. It just hurts so,not able to express my feeling towards him. Not able to say " i love you" to him anymore. Not able to say i'm proud of him. I know we still can. But i once said to him i hated him, i once said to him that he was as good as dead to me. And the hole between us is too far apart to mend. Haizzz.. Why am i ranting on and on about my daddy?? cause i don't want to lose him.. cause he's aging. and because i don't want him to leave me without us making up. I love you ayah. If only you knew.
Yester-night, i was lying on my bed , like a fat pig, dazing at the dirty ceilings of mine.. out of nowhere,my mind was filled with thought of life after marriage. 1 part of me couldn't wait to get married but the other part of me didn't want to get married. and guess which part was stronger?? if u guessed the " couldn't wait to get married" part,you're wrong. i was feeling rather skeptical. suddenly i didn't want to get married, suddenly i didn't want to lose my mum and dad. Lose as in i wouldn't get to see them everyday. lose as in.. OH. never mind. you won't get it. but then i realised, what i feared the most was really btwn me and my dad. Well, me and my dad used to be very close, like how he is to my daughter right now. But now, he and me can't even make a small conversation without it being very akward. For no reason, i started crying. Memories of how we used to be came back and i just couldn't bear it. I just couldn't bear to see how much we have drifted apart. Too much... Every single day, we would just walk past each other and not say a word. The only time we'll talk is only when we are shouting to each other. Sometimes i wish things didn't turn out the way they did.. But then again, if they hadn't... we wouldn't be where we are right now. I miss my dad. i miss being called his little princess. i miss going up to him and talk about how my day went. i just miss him soo much. Fuck all that has happened. I guess i am just a disappointment to everyone around me. :_ (
1st and foremost.. AKU BUKAN ANAK ACI EH!!2ndly, thank you all for the comments regarding my blogskin.. kembang skejap hamba.. hehs.. alaa.. ok2 lah my blogskin.. wanna try to do a much much complicated one but just couldn't sit for too long. k...k... back to updates.. I am currently single and available. Cey! macam paham! tak kene teranjang da bagos daaa.. hahahaha.. it's 5.47pm here and i'm still at work. why?? waiting for that stupid Gemok to fetch me.. i am seriously oh sooo bored.. i can't remember what i was gonna post about.. hmmm.. ntahlah.. maybe it'll come back in the nxt few mins.. sooooo... byeeee!!!
Just the other day, i jokingly asked my baby girl.. "phia nak adik??". ((It was just out of randomness okeehh. Jangan pikir lain ehk!)). At 1st she said yes, then later she asked me, "adik ape??". Hahaha. After explaining to her what "adik"was, she suddenly changed her vote. Pembelot tol. LoL... I couldn't help but laugh by what she had to say.. "CANNOT! CANNOT!! phia baby, cannot have baby.. phia baby mummy. Mummy cannot take baby ok??" wahlaaooo.. Buey tahan leh.. imagine a girl, 3 yrs of age having the mentality of not wanting to share her mummy with anyone else.. hahaha.. before i could even reply her, she continued rambling.. saying that she's everyones baby and no one at home is allowed to have another baby.. Hahahahaha.. It was just a question of randomness, and there she goes.. paranoid.. and not wanting to share her family with another baby. I mean, it will be btwn the next 5 yrs when she'll have another sibling. Cause the " daddy" ((affectionately called by the little one)) wants to have another kid b4 he turns 30, which is in 5 yrs time.Mummy don't mind, cause mummy still young. Hehs. And the crazy(emphasize on the crazy) daddy want to have twins. WAHLAO!! Siow siow meow meow ah! Cannot tahan lah like that ... Then later what?? mummy stay at home look after kids???!! NO WAY AH! hahahahhaha.Oh well, i will have another baby, but just not too soon.. maybe in 2 or 3 yrs later perhaps?? we'll see lah kan how. and now i'm getting ready to go GEYLANG, to meet the stupid Gemok. he has gone jamming and has left me rotting alone at home till 5 o'clock. Stupid as he is, i still love him. Very very the much. ((Pardon my english. i swear my english has went from bad to TEROK! LoL))
PEOPLE!! Forgive me for the long loonngg looooonnnggg looonnngggg post! i'm bored in the office! and I LOVE YOU ALL LAH!! Heeee.. I am sooo sooo sooo bored. All this banglas here are irritating me. Asking me things when in the 1st place i don't understand a word they are saying.. Stupid gundus. See?! Now somebody is bugging me to find a document.. Bapak kau giler ah! Carik sendiri ah! S-T-U-P-I-D!
Love may be the best thing, it may also be the worst. But love always brings out the best in us. and it always leave a lesson behind for us to learn. Always a valuable one. We may never want to end watever we had, we wanted to hold on.. But the question will always be, "Until When?". I for one, never thought i could hold on this long with Gemok. Reason being,i just didn't think it was serious btwn us. And now, we're holding on despite all the blowouts, despite the pain felt, despite the blood shed. Yes people, blood was shed. Countless of times, friends and family have told me,have reprimanded me in fact, to leave him.. To just let go.. but it is never easy. Some people understand what i'm going through but some just don't. People think i'm strong for having put up with him for this long after all that has happen. I wish i was as strong as u guys think. If i was strong, i would have had the courage to say " Goodbye" to him long ago. But yet, i still can't.It is always difficult to let the person you love go. Once, i did make up up my mind and declared it was over,but it just didn't happen as he didn't want to throw it all away. It was too precious to been thrown away just like that. Sometimes it easier to just say it's over rather than try to work it out. Cause ending the pain now rather than later seems a much easier and better decision. But the truth is, it's never better if we just say "it's over". Cause deep inside we all know that we are really cowards for just saying it's over. Think, if you say it's over.. wouldn't you have to go through all the hurt and happiness all over again? wouldn't it be much better to try it out with somebody who has already known you well enough instead of trying it out with someone who doesn't know a single thing about you at all, and go through it all, all over again. This is just my perspective. This is just what i think. i know i used to think saying it's over was much much easier. But after my last relationship b4 Gemok, i started to think. How much longer must i go through all this over and over again till i've finally had enough? The reason i still hold on to my current relationship is not because i'm tired of going through the " dating" process all over again ((partly which i am laaa..)). But i still hold on because i know he is the one. I know he is the one i'm going to spend my old age with, despite all his flaws and all. Nobody's perfect. Not even me. The flaws in us are what makes a relationship true and pure. Every relationship we go through are different. we can't expect them all to be the same can we?? Some relationship leaves good memories,some leave bad ones. But it's through those memories that we learn. That we learn what to do, and what not to do in our future relationship. Gemok may have done some things, bad things, which i have never come upon. And he is the worst guy i've ever met. But he is also the very best among all. Confused?? don't worry.. i am too.. Some things are just not meant to be explained. It's just meant to be felt. And i'm lucky to have felt this feeling. Like the way the earth was created, we are created too, to bring a purpose in life, to give a hope in life. We teach things we never knew we could,some which we never knew we did in the 1st place. But yet we are here. To love, to hate and to cry. A bad relationship is unavoidable, it's just either now or later that you have to go through it. Embrace yourself, before the time comes.. And just remember, not 1 relationship can be the same as everybody is different. I love my Gemok despite all his good or bad. Cause it was through him that i learnt the meaning of satisfaction (jgn pikir lain ehk!), the meaning of patience,the meaning of " LOVE". So thank everyone and everything that has entered our lives.cause you'll never know.. When you'll be breathing you last.. So dear Anep, no worries, everything's fine.And please,control ur anger as i've said it alot of times to u. It never brings u any good if you still hold on to ur anger. don't give the reason that you were born with that anger. Everyone was born with anger, but it's everyone's choice to change. ALLAH s.w.t gave us the mind to think, gave us the ability to decide and choose on our own. Think before you act anep. And never ever say harsh words to a loved one. They are not your loved ones for no reason right?? Just think anep. How much longer are you going to do this before nobody wants you anymore?? I'm telling you this cause i care for you and i wanna see you happy. Take a minute and think it out k. You'll find the answer right in front of your eyes.
Nice right my blogskin? nice kan?? kan?? kan?? kan?? haha.. i am so bored right now. Big boss is SHOUTING at the stupid banglas for being stupid. And i'm sitting like a pregnant woman.. why? cause my back is in terrible pain. stupid lah.. oh yeah.. how could i forget.SELAMAT BERPUASA SEMUA!!
My mind is totally blank. One minute i knew wat i was going to write about, and the next minute, my mind goes blank. Too much banglas and paper make my world go crazy. AARGH!
Had my BTT this morning. And i failed! Just by 3 stupid questions. Grrrr.. Syukur Alhamdulillah, Gemok passed his BTT this time round. I'm happy for him.And now i have to go and book again.. Never mind. Ask him money go book.. Lol. People, i seriously don't know what else to right. I will update some other time.To Anep, asl kau tk caya dat aku da break? ntah lah anep, lets see lah kan .. whether it's official or not.i still haven't talk to him yet. Haiz. I miss you guys badly now.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)The Bottom LineThe correspondence between you and someone else is getting more rewarding today. In DetailThe correspondence between you and someone else is getting a lot more complicated -- it may finally be time for a face-to-face meeting. The two of you are working under some assumptions, and they need to either be confirmed or debunked before things go any further. And the only way you can do that is to speak with them in person and get them to answer the questions that they have been avoiding. You need to come clean a little bit, too -- so make a date! Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)The Bottom LineIf you are stuck in planning mode today, make it a group affair. Get a consensus. In DetailIf you are stuck in planning mode today, make it a group affair. Getting a consensus about dates, locations and agenda items will make everyone feel a part of the bigger picture -- and it will set a much more positive tone for your upcoming event. Other people will be able to suggest things that you hadn't considered before -- and they will also think to include all the small details that make a big impression. There's no question that a group effort is the best effort.
Let me start of by saying.. "AARGH!! PANTAT AKU SAKIT LAH OI!!!"Hahaha..And the cause of it??4 hours of cycling at East Coast Park.Make that 4 hours "NON-STOP" cycling.Some people kan..Even though they stay nearer to ECP than me and Gemok,they still came later than us.About an hour late.Yes! Weird kan?? Yang tinggal Jurong leh sampai dulu, yang tinggal Tamp dgn Bedok sampai lmbt..Sakit hati jeee..Lol.Me and Gemok reached at around 10.45..Rented the 2-seater bicycle and rode around while waiting for the "late-comers"..It was almost 12 when Iqah and Love came. They rented their bicycle and off we went riding to the moon..Lol.But it was short-lived as me and Gemok had to returned our bicycle by 1.So we headed back to the bike station and handed back the bicycle.Wanted to rent again but waited for Heday and Mas to come.Heday came, we rented bicycles again.. but this time 1 for each of us..SO we can RACE!! Lmao.Rented the bicycles..And went to the laggoon..The one where they have the cable ski..met up with Madi and Iqah there.Blablabla..Madi and Iqah rented diff bikes.. And off we went to the other side of the park..But again it was shortlived as time was against us..But we did have fun..Lots of fun..Lets do it again!After raya..Or better yet, Iqah was suggesting we go to Ubin.Yeah..Maybe thats better..Well,we'll see..Right now, my eyes are really getting smaller..I can just doze off right now and boss wouldn't even care..Ugh..So sleepy laaaahhhhh..((Boss, I sleep a while aahhh.. Buy for me food.. i lazy to go lunch lah..))
Stupid lah kannnn..Comp at work crash..Siak ah..beh msn cnnt sign in...Ishk..Internet all can go but msn cnnt sign in..Mcm KNN kannnnnn..Ahhh..boring ah!Stupid computer.Stupid banglas disturbing me all day!Blllaaaarggrrgghhh!!
People often say, "Let Bygones Be Bygones." True enough.. i have let it pass. But yet you're still raking up the past for me to suffer..Well, let's just say..i wont be bothered by your antics anymore.. i just wanna be happy.Aargh!siak ah.. sat work full day.. wahlao.. so boring lah sey.. hahaha. nvm.. will update more soon.. i have to get back to sleeping.. Yes. nari aku off! hahahahaha!!
What else do i have to do to make you see?I don't think i can take anymore surprises from you.Cause the last time u surprised me, it ended with me almost killing myself.I just hope you see..Soon..Cause i don't tink i can't wait forever.My heart is in pieces.And my soul is burnt.Ya ALLAH Ya Tuhanku, berilah hamba mu kekuatan. Kekuatan untuk menghadapi kesemua ini. Berikanlah ku kesabaran. Hanya padamu, Ya ALLAH, ku berdoa.
It's funny how i miss you even though you're right here in my arms.Never thought i would be feeling this way.Well, like people say.."You can change in a blink of an eye."And you did.What can i say..You're you.And i'm me.I can't control the way you think, the way you act.But i can try to make you see.That i love you so.I love you so much that it hurts me to see us growing apart.I donno what has become of us or what will become of us.But i hope you'll see it one day..That i truly love you so.You change. I change. There's nothing i can do to make you love me.I've done my very best. and if you still don't see it. i just wish you all the happiness in the world. I pray to HIM, that you'll never let me go.I LOVE YOU MOHD RIZAL. and that is true.
My right cheek is swollen like a balloon. My gums are hurting.And my heart is breaking..((Okeehh, the last part was a bit exaggerated..))Updates on my weekend...Saturday Went to my cousin's son birthday.With Gemok of course.Gemok finally met my closest cousin and his irritating wife.Haha.Went to my so-called "kakak sdare" nenek's house.Then went to my cousin's place to hang out a bit..To let Gemok get to know my cousin.And it was such a big mistake.Hahahaha.It was the babes against the "matreps"(Gemok and my cousin.)We were debating on psp.Cut short..We ended up shouting and laughing our asses off..Fun day indeed.Sunday Woke up early despite sleeping at 7 am.Helped my daddy cooked.Black pepper crab.Grilled prawns.Grilled fish.And kupang lemak.My oh my..It was certainly a feast.Been long since my daddy cooked all this..And i stuffed myself to suffocation..Haha..Woke Gemok up at ard 5..And went to Woodlands Civic.To meet up with our long lost friends..And it was fun..We laughed,cracked jokes at each other.And i met my girlfriends..Once whom i was very close with.We had such a great time..That it was hard when it was time to go home..Oh well..We'll meet again..For sure..Oh yeah...Met wak's gf..And anep's gf..pleasure to meet both u girls..But why u guys so quiet..Kalau da duduk kat civic kan, kene memekak tau.. Tkleh diam..Hahahahaha..Had a small tiff with Gemok at home.Regarding some stupid things..It seems that i cant ask him any question without him thinking dat i dnt trust him..Sheesh..He can be a jerk sometimes.But what the heck..He's still my Gemok.And now..I'm waiting for Gemok to get home.And bring me to the dentist.My gums hurt like shit.And i feel like punching myself.Urrgh!