Well.. Things have been going well.. for now.. just got my 1st pay.. coolness.. Hahaha.. my werk place is fun except for the ocassional weirdos.. there's dis one guy hu always cums to our place.. we called him "SUPERMAN". donno y.. but he always cums with a different outfit each time.. but dnt be fooled.. his outfits are not those normal ones.. he wears stupid stuffs like wearing skirts.. and the tall2 hat like a chefs hat.. but thers one ting he'll nvr be w/o.. he's toy gun.. he always carry it ard and act as if he's shooting sumbody.. sumtimes.. haha. My werk place is real fun.. nowadays ppl are always laughin their heads off.. coz i like to disturb all of them.. even the chefs.. wel.. u shud noe me rite.. when i'm bored.. everybody becums my victim.. but my main victim is JACK!! haha.. its a common ting btwn the gerls dat our victim is jack.. haha.. WATCH OUT JACK!! hahaha.. byes..
ok2.. havent update for a long time.. bz wif my new werk.. haish.. ok so let me update wat has been goin on for the past few days k..
25 Dec 2006[MONDAY] Today Was like the most pathetic day ever.. there was no even a single customer sak.. got lah.. but only at the express station.. the chefs at the back had to cook noting seh.. so instead of our last order being at 10.30pm.. we took our last order at 9.30pm.. so we went home early.. i gt a prezzie from karen.. thanx karen.. even tho it was only the 5th day of me werking there.. went home early.. bla bla bla.. writing dis blog..
24 Dec 2006[SUNDAY] Today has got to be the day that i hate the most.. everiting was goin wrong.. jack's fault la.. never cum.. so instead of him as manager, the stupid Earlston was in charge.. like fuck sak.. only know how to order ppl ard.. but donno how to do own werk.. the restaurant was like full.. and orders were goin out to wrong places and wrong ppl.. shits.. sure gonna get it from boss on tuesday.. stupid..
23 Dec &24 Dec 2006{FRI & SAT] Notin much.. same routine..
21 dec 2006[THURSDAY] My first day at werk.. went well.. no clumsy spell or mistakes done.. cool.. lets hope it continues dat way.. finished at 10.. go home then sleep.. too tired to log in the comp.. oh yah.. had a little tiff wif him.. a little jek.. Dabis pun.. Heee...
Shits.. gotta get sum sleep.. tomoro got meeting.. have to be prepared.. coz tings are gonna get ugly 2moro.. damnz..
You hurt me when u said dat they hired me coz they thot i had experience.. Yeah.. i know i have none.. but the least u cud do was said dat i cud try and do it.. I tot u wud be happy for me.. Yes.. i am new at dis and i may stumble and make mistakes.. but i have to learn.. i cnt move on if i keep looking for the same position.. i was so excited.. but u took my "1 min of happiness' away.. i gave you support when u needed me.. but u didnt give me the support i need.. try to believe in me.. why cant u.. i'm so hurt.. i tot u loved me..
Mampos.. 1st day je tk pegi.. wat a bad impression i made on dem.. but wat was i supposed to do.. got no money to go to work seh.. and nobody is at home. i'm alone... AGAIN!! boring sak.. haiz...
i juz hope dey dnt blacklist me or sumting.. damn..
Went for an interview juz now.. went well.. bsk da start.. cepat sak.. haiz.. ok lah.. wnt complain la.. juz hope it'll werk out dis time.. Realli not the time to be without a job now.. but shit.. juz received an email from another company.. i've got another interview on dis coming thursday.. shit.. how siak.. watever la.. see how dis job goes first la..
Oh yah..
WHERE THE HELL IS HE?? fuck sak.. he was with me in the morning.. i followed him to collect his passport.. den i had to mit my mum.. so i went to tanjong pagar.. den after dat he was supposed to mit me at tanjong pagar.. but didnt show up.. called his hp.. and he said he was bz.. ok fine.. tkpe.. den he said mit at home.. i reached home, called him.. but guess wat now.. HE OFF HIS PHONE!!! Where the heck cud he be..? On one hand i am seriously pissed off at him.. but on the other hand, i so damn worried bout him.. AARGH!! WHERE IS HE??
Haiz.. My baby is growing up so fast.. nxt mth she'll be 3.. man.. dats fast shit.. it was juz like yest when i was screaming my lungs out in hospital giving birth to her.. it seemed like only yest when she learned how to walk.. how she learned to talk.. now... she cant stop talking and cant stop walking.. hahz.. time goes real fast..
i wish my baby didnt have to grow.. haiz..
Wat the heck is happening here? You guys come and leave as u want? and i tot u said we were family.. family my ass..
yeah u make me angry.. i'm nt siding him or siding any of u.. i'm mad coz u left juz like dat? wat big shit did i do to all of u huh? mayb u have nvr tot of me as "FAMILY" in the first place huh?
Watever.. U dont need me.. I dont need you.. u wanna leave juz like dat..
go ahead.. BUT NEVER COME BACK. u make me sick.
Today was the day of my daughter's performance.. it was a concert cum graduation day[for the k2's] for her skool. woke up very early.. bathe her then had to make her up.. Hahahaha.. she was so cute..
[Thats her with makeup!]
Then i sent her downstairs to her childcare centre.. where she changed to her costume.. she look so fat sak!! and so damn adorable..
Haha! Den we waited a while for her transport to arrive.. after they all had departed,me and my fam went to "The Chevrons". Dats where her concert was held.. my mum was like being the very typical KIASU singaporean.. Haha.. wanting to reach early so dat she cud get the most upfront seats. [psst:i tink if she cud she wud have set on the stage..] hahahaha..
Weel.. Ok The concert started at ard 10.30am.. but my baby's perfomance was ard 11.30 or sumting. had to wait.. Then.. finally.. it was her performance.. OMG! she was so cute.. shaking on top of the stage.. hahaha.. it didnt look as if she had any stage fright.. dat was good.. i was scared dat she wud have stage fright and wud froze upon seeing the tons of ppl. but luckily she dance and was looking goooodd... hahaha.. i'll try and upload the vid here.. and show it to u guys aite.. hey2.. i'll continue later as i have a very important mission to attend to.[ceh.ceh mcm james bond] hahahaha.. catch ya'll later...
I'm not gonna say much la.. but i still can see dat u havent change.. donno wat u want..
Can realli see ur true colours. whenu didnt have any way of contacting me,u were like a lost kitty.. but when u have the means and ways to contact me.. u dnt even call me at all.. nt even a single msg was received. i was the one hu had to msg u.. den u wud say col me.. but when i col u.. it was only for a matter of secs.. yeah2.. u're werking.. i know dat.. so..? the previous days,u were also werking but u still can tok to me.. i'm gonna see how long u're gonna survive..
i love u but i cant stand ur attitude..
My fever is way too high.. My whole body is aching like fuck.. my head is in total chaos.. the headache is getting from bad to worst.. tried to sleep but cant.. and i'm been vomitting non-stop.. and juz now i juz vomitted blood.. damn it..
benci sak biler sakit.. and sumore he's not here.. slalu kalau aku sakit dia gak yg jage aku.. at least ders sumbody to take care of me.. not like at home.. i'm sick but i still have to do dis, do dat.. tak berhati perot sak..
lets juz hope my fever subsides.. coz i realli hate it..
shit.. my asthma is back.. and i've finished my asthma meds.. shits.. i'm gonna suffer tonite..
Hmm.. Gotta cool myself down.. dnt want history to repeat.. but i juz cant help feeling like dis..
wat? is it wrong for me to feel jealous when he send msg to a gerl? his ex sumore.. his "ex " dat realli loved him.. i'm juz so scared history happens again.. coz it did happen once..
and i dnt noe wat to do if it happens again..
Haiz. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! better keep it to myself.. coz i know for sure if i tell him wat i feel.. i wont get any consoling.. instead all i'm gonna get is scolding from him.
Aargh!! Damn it sak!!
Btw.. saw this realli cool vid juz now.. the lead from muse playing guitar but not with strings.. it was like a sumting thingy dat didnt need strings.. and it sounded juz the same like a real guitar lah!! Hahs! watch the vid aite.. i'll load it up..
Stupid. Da Bagos2 Blog Aku Lawa. Beh Alih2 Mcm Siak. Had To go change it sak. took me like a fucking looong time to change it.. even now its still nt complete.. damn..
Now have to get readi to go out.. mit him.. haiz.. donno wats up with him sak.. call je nk marah2.. damn heartache seh.. it was like he scolded me for still being at home.. bcoz i promised to mit him morning.. padahal i told him oredi juz now i was gonna be late.. but he said i never told him at all. mrepek sak.. den had to scold me and shout at me.
i'm trying my very best to be calm and to be by ur side. u said ur frens abandoned u.. but is it my fault..? kau ckp kau jadi jntn kelepek.. aku nye salah lah tu.. aku nk balik,kau yg tk kasih.. beh now its like u're blaming me bcoz u're frens deserted you..
wake up la.. i'm tired of all dis tau tak..
I think i'm gonna be sick.. Feelin so damn uncomfortable.. Aiya.. Todays plan all cock up seh.. supposed to go to his house in the morning.. but then my daughter didnt go to skool.. she has diarhhoea.. poor her.. kecik2 da sakit.. she was crying the whole morning seh.. lucky now da subside sikit.. now nga mcm org gila pekik2.. hahaha.. i'm bored.. i wanna go mit him.. but.. but... but.. but.. juz cant. haiz.. hope he doesnt get mad..
Donno why he doesnt approve of me calling my self a BITCH... Its nt like its wrong or wat.. hmm.. pelik seh.. Mayb his perception of bitch is diff fm mine.. mayb.. well wat do u tink? wats ur perception of a "BITCH"?
I tear my heart open, I sow myself shut My weakness is that I care too much My scars remind me that the past is real I tear my heart open just to feel
Drunk and I'm feeling down and I just wanna be alone I'm pissed cause you came around Why don't you just go home Cause you channel all your pain and I can't help to fix myself Your making me insane All I can say is
I tear my heart open, I sow myself shut My weakness is that I care too much My scars remind me that the past is real I tear my heart open just to feel
I tried to help you once A kiss will only viseI saw you going down But you never realized That your drowning in the water So I offered you my hand Compassions in my nature
Tonight is our last dance
I'm drunk and I'm feeling down and I just wanna be alone You shouldn't ever came around Why don't you just go home? Cause your drowning in the water and I tried to grab your hand and I left my heart open but you didn't understandbut you didn't understand
You fix yourself I can't help you fix yourself But at least I can say I tried I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life I can't help you fix yourself But at least I can say I tried I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life
WAIT! WAIT! No worries aite.. No particular reason for me for liking this song.. Its just.. I like it.. Hehex..
Damnit.. Was supposed to go the interview sak 2day.. but my irritating-likes-to-sleep boyfriend didnt wake up.. HMPH! told him to wake up but he keep saying,"shejap,shejap" tgklah.. mcm mane aku nk marah.. da tua2 pun maseh cute.. hahaha..
cannot,cannot.. 2moro have to go.. haish.. too many probs at a time.. hope we can go thru dis k gemok..
slowly.. we'll get past all of it.. hand-in-hand..
K2.. Now i wanna go and scream in His ears!!
My very FIRST post. Hope i'm doing ok. It took me 3 HOURS juz to edit dis blog. Damn.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm stupid at this kinda stuffs. Heh. :)
Seriously, I hope its alright. Aniwaes, wish me luck aites.
Oh yah. You gotta scroll down to c my tagboard. Coz its way downnnnnn...
And do link me up. Thanx!!
More posts Coming up!!